Book of Gallowmere: Difference between revisions

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==== [[Graveyard Wolves]] ====
==== [[Graveyard Wolves]] ====
Isn't nature wonderful? This beautiful family of wolves has found a happy home in the graveyard! Back in their den, six cute, squirmy little pups are waiting for good old mom and pop to return with delicious fresh meat - well, perhaps graveyard meat isn't the most fresh - but at least it's easily found and safe. Because let me tell you - elsewhere in Gallowmere, vengeful farmers have hunted these majestic beasts to the point of extinction...
Thank goodness this last, happy little family is here amid the peace and tranquility of the graveyard, where absolutely no harm can befall them.

==== [[Scarecrows]] ====
==== [[Scarecrows]] ====
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==== [[Mad Farmers]] ====
==== [[Mad Farmers]] ====
Nothing comes easy for these poor farmers. As Gallowmere's population declines, so does the demand for their crops.
It's no wonder they hide in haystacks. Show some sympathy and let them stab you a couple of times, eh?

==== [[Mecha Imps]] ====
==== [[Mecha Imps]] ====
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==== [[Mad Monks]] ====
==== [[Mad Monks]] ====
Disciples of the head monk, these men of the cloth have been driven mad by the disappearance of their master - and Jack's incessant ramblings.
The harsh chime of a bell tells them an unwelcome guest has arrived. Or that it's time for dinner. Perhaps both!

==== [[Hedges]] ====
==== [[Hedges]] ====
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==== [[Head Bangers]] ====
==== [[Head Bangers]] ====
With the disappearance of the head monk, these patients have been left to run amok.
We don't know exactly what it was that sent them raving mad. Perhaps it was magic, perhaps the moon, or perhaps they were all licking toads. Truly, you should NOT lick those toads.

==== [[Dragon Toads]] ====
==== [[Dragon Toads]] ====
Is this really what the ancient dragons evolved into? Their dreadful ancestors would be ashamed!
Don't lick their backs. That's a good way to end up in the loony bin. No really, just DON'T.

==== [[Poisonous Plants]] ====
==== [[Poisonous Plants]] ====
Poisonous pollen protects these plants from predators.
Just to be safe, they fire it at everything. Can never be too careful these days.

==== [[Shadow Demons]] ====
==== [[Shadow Demons]] ====
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==== [[The Condemned]] ====
==== [[The Condemned]] ====
Have no pity for these fools. They were Gallowmere's most heinous criminals, as fearsome in life as they are now in death.
What a world we live in where the guilty execute the innocent!

==== [[Mummies]] ====
==== [[Mummies]] ====
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==== [[Stone Golems]] ====
==== [[Stone Golems]] ====
Stone golems were the hottest ticket in castle security, and King Peregrin was one of the first to purchase a pair for protection. Of course, they say you should always skip the first generation of new tech, and when golems started to stomp all and sundry, the manufacturers were forced to issue a full product recall.
Sadly, King Peregrin missed the recall note (on account of being dead), and his golems are still guarding, still stomping...

==== [[Jabberwocky]] ====
==== [[Jabberwocky]] ====