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Nina Kristensen
MediEvil (1998) Level Modelling
Additional Character Animation
MediEvil 2 Art Management


MediEvil EU site


  • Education: Industrial Design at Australian University specialised in International Multimedia
  • Joined Millennium/Sony: 1996
  • Nationality: Australian
  • Previous Jobs: Technical Drawing, Contracting

What was your role in designing MediEvil?
I worked mainly on the construction of maps, levels and environments in which the characters move. I worked with Mike Philbin. Between the two of us, we have almost done everything with regards to this part of the project. I also animated some of the characters, ants, witches, little hands and rats. . . little things. . . Mr. Organ is a strange little character who appears only once in the game and is a kind of little secret. . . He sits and plays the organ, looking a little ghostly and half crazy. . . Does he turn up in a certain level?
Yes, he is sitting in the desecrated church. . .

So he has a secret?
Yes, a little puzzle about him.

Does it have to be discovered to advance in the game?
No, it's optional.

Is this part of the game the part that you consider "your" part and that you are really happy with.
Yes, it's one of my favorite parts.


What's the bit you sweated most over - the bit you went over again and again. . . The most hassle?
The very first level I think has caused the entire team the most hassle. . . The graveyard.

Is that because it was the first level and you wanted it to be right?
It was the first level we made and it's gone through so many changes. You know, it was a sort of practice first time round so that one has evolved immensely. I hate it now! I'll be very happy if I never have to touch that level again.

But you are working on a new project now so you do not have to go back to it.
Yes, I am working on a new project.

So in a few months, you will go back there, look at it and it will please you.
Oh yes, I like to play it, I do not want to have to change it again, that's all.


What's your working day like when you are here? What do you actually do?
Come in. Usually I'd know what I'd be working on. Constructing a map or a character. Sometimes animation which is a really nice change. In the later stages of the project, the last few months, it's been a lot of time fixing so it's been quite monotonous and no longer exciting like the first few days by the fact that I've no artistic input any more. But at the start it was very exciting because you have a new map to build or a new character. . .

So you come here in the morning at what time - 9 or 10?
I start at 10. . .

Are you here until 6?
Yes. Half past six. . . except when things go wrong.

Long nights?
Very, very few. The graphics team is well organised. Everything under control.

You seem to be a normal person. . . ? 
We work very well together, actually.

. . . ! 
Well, when it comes to work, yes. I am not an early bird.


Are you working here?
Um, in Cambridge.

Do you drive here by car?
Yes, I drive.

And, how do you like it?
Cambridge is nice city to live in. Nice is the operative word. Working there is not very exciting, but it's nice.

Is it due to the students?
No, it's not because of the students. There is no nightlife after 23:00 in general.

Would you like to stay in London?
I love London but my work is here. . . This new project really fascinates me. I have a new title: "art manager" on this project.

Does this entail a lot of responsibilities?
Yes, lots of responsibilities but a lot of fun too.


If you could do any job what would it be?
I'd probably have to be a sculptor, I think. Or something like that.

Do you like that?
Yeah, quite a lot.

Do you do it in your spare time as well?
I haven't done any for a very long time but I can see that I'm very lucky actually. I get to be very creative at work, which is nice.

So if you did not have your work here, would you probably be a sculptor?
Yes. Yes. I have to be creative. Luckily, I'm getting paid for it!

So this is the right job for you?
Yes, I like it here.

It seems that the people who work on the games are all relatively satisfied with their work. They sometimes complain about the company or something, but the reality is that they are creative. . . Back on topic. . . What's your favorite drink?
Is this about Colin?! . . . Poison, pure poison. Vodka is my favorite alcohol. Vodka with a lemon soft drink or something else.


  1. MediEvil Sorcerers - Nina Kristensen on MediEvil Official EU Website (archived version).