Memories of PlayStation: Difference between revisions

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    (Created page with "left|100pxright|thumb|Turntable of the collectible. '''30th anniversary <nowiki>|</nowiki> Memories of PlayStation''' was a Heroic tier digital collectible available through the PlayStation Stars service. It could be obtained by completing the "Celebrate the Original PlayStation's Legacy with PlayStation Plus" campaign during the campaign period. ==Description== Ma...")
    (No difference)

    Revision as of 17:48, 2 January 2025

    Turntable of the collectible.

    30th anniversary | Memories of PlayStation was a Heroic tier digital collectible available through the PlayStation Stars service. It could be obtained by completing the "Celebrate the Original PlayStation's Legacy with PlayStation Plus" campaign during the campaign period.


    Making, saving, and sharing memories since 1994.

    Behind the scenes


    The collectible is an original, first-party Memory Card for the PlayStation displayed on a 30th anniversary stand.
