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This trophy is best earned in an early level like [[The Museum]] or [[Tyrannosaurus Wrecks]] and can be made easier by having a strong weapon like the [[Chicken Drumsticks]] or any late game weapon. Since the re-release has emulator features such as save states and rewind, these can also help make achieving this easier.
This trophy is best earned in an early level like [[The Museum]] or [[Tyrannosaurus Wrecks]] and can be made easier by having a strong weapon like the [[Chicken Drumsticks]] or any late game weapon. Since the re-release has emulator features such as save states and rewind, these can also help make achieving this easier.
==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Empty section|Languages}}
|ar = دان المعصوم
|arR =dan almaesum
|cnT = 無懈可擊的丹
|cnTR =Wúxièkějī de dān
|cn = 丹,无敌者
|cnR =Dān, wúdí zhě
|cz = Neomylný Dan
|da = Ufejlbarlige Dan
|nl = Dan de onfeilbare
|fi = Erehtymätön Dan
|frC = Dan l'Infaillible
|fr = Dan l'Infaillible
|de = Dan der Unantastbare
|el = Dan ο Αλάνθαστος
|elR =Dan o Alánthastos
|hu = Dan, a sebezhetetlen
|id = Dan si Sempurna
|it = Dan l'infallibile
|ja = 完全無欠のダン
|jaR =Kanzen muketsu no dan
|kr = 난공불락 다니엘
|krR =nangongbullag daniel
|no = Dan den usårlige
|pl = Dan Nieomylny
|ptBR = Dan, o Infalível
|pt = Dan, o Infalível
|ro = Dan infailibilul
|ru = Неуязвимый Дэн
|ruR =Neuâzvimyj Dén
|esMX = Dan, el infalible
|es = Dan el infalible
|sv = Skadefri
|th = Dan ไร้พ่าย
|thR =Dan rị̂ ph̀āy
|tr = Dokunulmaz Dan
|vi = Dan Chỉ Có Chuẩn
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