Demolished the Demons (1998): Difference between revisions

(Created page with "{{about|the trophy in the original game|the trophy in the remake|Demolished the Demons}} {{Infobox trophy |name = Demolished the Demons |image = MediEvil1998-Trophy-DemolishedTheDemons.png |trophy = {{Trophy|Silver}} |description = Destroy both Flying Demons in the Enchanted Earth. |ptrophy = A Paneful Demise (1998) |ntrophy = Bone Head Bone Dead (1998) }}'''Demolished the Demons''' is a story-related trophy in ''MediEvil''. ==How to unlock...")
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The trophy name employs {{w|alliteration}}, which is the repetition of syllable-initial consonant sounds between nearby words.
The trophy name employs {{w|alliteration}}, which is the repetition of syllable-initial consonant sounds between nearby words.
==In other languages==
==In other languages==
{{Empty section|Languages}}
|ar = تدمير الشياطين
|arR =tadmir alshayatin
|cnT = 殲滅惡魔
|cnTR =Jiānmiè èmó
|cn = 扼杀恶魔
|cnR =Èshā èmó
|cz = Démoni zničeni
|da = Dræb dæmonerne
|nl = Demonendestructie
|fi = Demonit murskaksi
|frC = Désenchantés
|fr = Désenchantés
|de = Demolierte Dämonen
|el = Δαιμονοκατεδαφιστής
|elR =Daimonokatedafistís
|hu = Démonok pusztítója
|id = Iblis Telah Binasa
|it = Demonitore
|ja = 悪魔払い
|jaR =Akumabarai
|kr = 악마 궤멸
|krR =agma gwemyeol
|no = Demonene ble knust
|pl = Demoniczna demolka
|ptBR = Demolidor de demônios
|pt = Demónios Demolidos
|ro = Distruge Diavolii
|ru = Убийца демонов
|ruR =Ubiytsa demonov
|esMX = Endemoniado
|es = Demonios demolidos
|sv = Demondödaren
|th = กวาดล้างปีศาจ
|thR =Kwādl̂āng pīṣ̄āc
|tr = İblisler İmha Edildi
|vi = Diệt Quỷ
{{MediEvil (1998) trophies}}
{{MediEvil (1998) trophies}}