
Revision as of 19:49, 8 June 2012 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

The evil incarnations of Zarok's dark magic, these shambling corpses will stop at nothing to get their next meal, and unfortunately for Dan, he is in the middle of the crowd.

These enemies are the easiest to defeat in the game, it doesn't take much to defeat them, the small sword (MediEvil and MediEvil 2) and the wooden sword (Resurrection) are both more than capable of taking these shamblers down in a couple of swipes.

Official description

Your common or garden zombie is (to be blunt) a slow witted goon head of monumental proportions. It seems a shame to hurt such feeble minded weapon fodder, but they will likely insist on trying to bar one's progress and eat one's brains. A few well placed sword swipes are the order of the day, which should effectively teach them to mind their own business.



MediEvil 2

Concept art

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