Books in MediEvil

Revision as of 18:36, 14 April 2011 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

A list of all the game's books.

Dan's Crypt

Book 1

You must be out of shape after 100 years lying on your back. Use the crypt to get the grips with your new lease of life.

Book 2

When you're ready to leave this crypt you'll find an exit at the end of the hall. To unlock the gates you must find a Rune Stone and place it in the ornate hand set next to the doorway.

Book 3

During your travels through the world of Gallowmere you will collect many items. To look at your inventory, press the SELECT button on the Controller.

Book 4

To do a power attack, press and hold the File:PSB-S.png button on the Controller for a second or two and then release it.

Book 5

Feel free to have a paddle in the shallow water, but don't be tempted to go for a swim, buoyancy can be a problem for those of a dead disposition.

Book 6

Any Treasure that you find will go into your coin score, displayed in the top right of your display. Coins are used to buy items from the greedy Merchant gargoyles.

Book 7

Track down Zarok by retracing his diabolical odyssey through Gallowmere. You can spot the exits from an area by looking out for his stinking trail of magic slime.

The Graveyard

Book 1

Welcome back to your beloved Gallowmere. The stinking dead have risen up to dance with the liveless living, and they want to do it over your dead body.

Book 2

Don't let zombies get you down. Tend those wounds by stepping into this fountain of rejuvenation.

Book 3

Remember, nothing remains hidden under the gaze of an angel.

Book 4

File:Chalice-Small.pngThe object here is the chalice. Every time you dispatch an enemy the chalice fills a little more. Once the Chalice is full it is yours to collect and you will be worthy of visiting the sacred Hall of Heroes to claim a prize! There is a Chalice to be found in every region of Gallowmere. They are all hidden or well guarded - only a true hero will collect the full set.

Book 5

The living world lies beyond these Skull Gates. The Master of the Hilltop Mausoleum, the Stained Glass Demon has possession of the Skull Key.

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