Dan the Infallible

Dan the Infallible is a silver trophy in MediEvil 2.

Dan the Infallible
Description Finish a level without taking damage.
Trophy type
Hidden No
Prior trophy Watch the Magic Edge
Next trophy Weapon Economy

How to unlock

This trophy is best earned in an early level like The Museum or Tyrannosaurus Wrecks and can be made easier by having a strong weapon like the Chicken Drumsticks or any late game weapon. Since the re-release has emulator features such as save states and rewind, these can also help make achieving this easier.

In other languages

Language Official Name
Arabic دان المعصوم
dan almaesum
Chinese (Simplified) 丹,无敌者
Dān, wúdí zhě
Chinese (Traditional) 無懈可擊的丹
Wúxièkějī de dān
Czech Neomylný Dan
Danish Ufejlbarlige Dan
Dutch Dan de onfeilbare
Finnish Erehtymätön Dan
French (Canada) Dan l'Infaillible
French (France) Dan l'Infaillible
German Dan der Unantastbare
Greek Dan ο Αλάνθαστος
Dan o Alánthastos
Hungarian Dan, a sebezhetetlen
Indonesian Dan si Sempurna
Italian Dan l'infallibile
Japanese 完全無欠のダン
Kanzen muketsu no dan
Korean 난공불락 다니엘
nangongbullag daniel
Norwegian Dan den usårlige
Polish Dan Nieomylny
Portuguese (Brazil) Dan, o Infalível
Portuguese (Portugal) Dan, o Infalível
Romanian Dan infailibilul
Russian Неуязвимый Дэн
Neuâzvimyj Dén
Spanish (LatAm) Dan, el infalible
Spanish (Spain) Dan el infalible
Swedish Skadefri
Thai Dan ไร้พ่าย
Dan rị̂ ph̀āy
Turkish Dokunulmaz Dan
Vietnamese Dan Chỉ Có Chuẩn


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