MediEvil 2 0.51

Revision as of 01:16, 15 April 2020 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)
PLEASE NOTE: This page is a draft. It is thus in an unfinished state and may feature broken and/or incorrect formatting.
MediEvil 2 0.51
Language(s) Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Primary Volume Descriptor
Volume Identifier MEDIEVIL2
Volume Creation Date 0000/02/16
Volume Creation Time 12:03:50
Creation Date Tuesday, 29th February 2000.
Creation Time 00:45:10
Creation Date Tuesday, 29th February 2000.
Creation Time 09:34:22

The SIP Internal Test Build of MediEvil 2 is 12 days older than the ISP Master Build. Its internal build number is 0.52.
