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===''[[MediEvil]]'' / ''[[MediEvil: Resurrection]]''===
===''[[MediEvil]]'' / ''[[MediEvil: Resurrection]]''===
The Stone Golems are brought to life once the lava behind the floodgates is released. [[Daniel]] has to defeat them before he escapes the collapsing castle. Like the [[Armoured Knights]], they are not vulnerable to weapons and can be only pushed. The most effective ways to push them off are the [[Daring Dash]] or the [[Dragon Armour]]'s fire breath.
The Stone Golems are brought to life once the lava behind the floodgates is released. [[Daniel]] has to defeat them before he escapes the collapsing castle. Like the [[Armoured Knights]], they are not vulnerable to weapons and can be only pushed. The most effective ways to push them off are the [[Daring Dash]] or the [[Dragon Armour]]'s fire breath.
<gallery bordercolor="transparent" spacing="small" orientation="landscape">

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