Flying Eyeballs: Difference between revisions

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*The eyeballs bear a striking resemblance to [[zelda:Patra|Patra]], one of the bosses in Nintendo's ''The Legend of Zelda.''
*The eyeballs bear a striking resemblance to [[zelda:Patra|Patra]], one of the bosses in Nintendo's ''The Legend of Zelda.''
==In other languages==
|ar = العيون الطائرة
|arR = aleuyun altaayira
|bg = Летящи очи
|bgR = Letyashti ochi
|cz = Létající oční bulvy
|da = Flyvende Øjeæbler
|de = Fliegende Augäpfel
|el = Ιπτάμενα Μάτια
|elR = Ιπτάμενα Μάτια
|es = Ojos voladores
|esMX = Ojos voladores
|fi = Lentävät silmämunat
|fr = Yeux volants
|hr = Leteće oči
|hu = Repülő szemgolyók
|it = Bulbi volanti
|ja = 空飛ぶ目玉
|jaR = Soratobu medama
|nl = Vliegende oogbollen
|no = Flyvende øyne
|pl = Latające oczy
|pt = Olhos Voadores
|ptBR = Olhos Voadores
|ro = Ochi Zburători
|ru = Летающие глаза
|ruR = Letayushchiye glaza
|sv = Flygande Ögon
|tr = Uçan Gözler