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Level looping: Difference between revisions

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In this section, you will find the details to perform the known level loops and half loops.
In this section, you will find the details to perform the known level loops and half loops.
===[[The Enchanted Earth]]===
The Enchanted Earth loop is a fairly difficult loop in MediEvil (1998). It requires practice and getting-used-to to perform it consistently.
To perform this loop, you must reach the second platform on the trees that lead to the [[Dragon Birds||dragon bird]].
Once you're in front of the platform, there are multiple ways to perform this loop, which can also be a half loop if done properly.
'''Method 1 (Easier)'''
# Jump on the platform, and using side steps ({{B|R1}} + direction)) align yourself past the right pillar of the platform, at the very edge.
# Holding the [[Club|club]], pay attention to the clouds on the right of the platform. You will reach a bigger cloud. Wait for the tip of the club to touch it.
# Perform the inventory glitch to drop forward, off the platform, without dashing.
# Close the inventory when you see the [[Treasure|chests of gold]], while holding Right ({{B|R}}).
# Dan will eventually disappear from the screen while falling. When he reappears, quickly switch direction to Up-Right ({{B|U|}} + {{B|R}}).
# If done properly, the screen will go entirely black and the UI will disappear. The music will also stop playing, and shortly after you will see the loading screen. You've performed a half loop!
'''Method 2 (Hard, but 7 seconds faster)'''
# Jump on the platform and wait until the platform covers good amount of the right cloud.
# Perform the inventory glitch to drop forward ({{B|U}}) while dashing, off the platform. Close the inventory quickly.
# Hold Up-Right ({{B|U|}} + {{B|R}}) and count to 6 (if you are speedrunning, use your timer for more precision).
# Switch direction to Right ({{B|R}}). If done properly, you should land exactly 11 seconds after dropping from the platform.

===[[The Ghost Ship]]===
===[[The Ghost Ship]]===
