Stone Golems: Difference between revisions

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    They're brought to life once the lava behind the floodgates is released. [[Daniel]] has to defeat them before escaping from the castle.
    They're brought to life once the lava behind the floodgates is released. [[Daniel]] has to defeat them before escaping from the castle.
    [[Category:MediEvil Enemies]]
    [[Category:MediEvil Enemies]]
    [[Category:MediEvil (Resurrection) Enemies]]

    Revision as of 00:13, 27 July 2013

    The Stone Golems are enemies from MediEvil and Resurrection. They can be found in The Haunted Ruins level.

    They're brought to life once the lava behind the floodgates is released. Daniel has to defeat them before escaping from the castle.