The Haunted Ruins

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    The Haunted Ruins
    General information
    AKA Castle Peregrin, Peregrin Castle
    Chalice Yes
    Enemies Shadow Demons, Flying Demons, Mace Knights, Stone Golems
    Music (original) City in the Clouds
    Music (remake) A Marrow Escape
    Chronological information
    Level number 18.
    Previous level The Gallows Gauntlet
    Next level The Ghost Ship
    Location on Land Map
        The Ghost Ship
    The Gallows Gauntlet
    Sir Daniel Fortesque
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the Chalice rewards.
    Sneaky Sneaky
    Finish any level outside of Dan's Crypt without defeating any enemies or taking damage.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the chalice rewards.
    Deathly Smorgasbord Deathly Smorgasbord
    Die 7 different ways.
    "Some say King Peregrin's castle has seen better days, but the Shadow Demons beg to differ. It's a lot more peaceful without all those pesky humans around."
    ― Loading screen description

    The Haunted Ruins is the eighteenth level of MediEvil. The site was once King Peregrin's castle, but has since fallen into ruin. It has also been taken over by the Shadow Demons.


    Book of Gallowmere






    Main article: Books in MediEvil

    Book 1

    Since the Farmers have been captured by the Shadow Demons the animals here have gone hungry.

    Book 2

    The Farmers are being held in the courtyard.

    At the first sign of trouble the Shadow Demons will sacrifice the captives to the flames. Move quickly, slay the demons on guard and release the farmers.

    Book 3

    Long ago this was once the majestic Throne room of King Peregrin. Now foul demons stalk the corridors. The spirit of the King must be saddened indeed.

    Book 4

    Sometimes the ghost of King Peregrin can be seen wandering these halls or sitting mournfully upon his throne. Find his crown and perhaps you can summon him.

    Book 5

    The castle was constructed on top of a dormant volcano. This great flood gate is all that stands between you and a very hot shower.

    Book 6

    Hurry - the castle is about to be destroyed! The gates are locked, find an alternative means of travel!

    Book 7

    Hot scalding Oil! Burn your skeletal toes that will! Better find a way to close the oil vents before crossing.


    In other languages

    MediEvil (1998 original)

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Language Official Name Meaning
    Arabic ”الأنقاض المسكونة”
    "al'anqad almaskunati"
    Bulgarian Призрачните развалини
    Prizrachnite razvalini
    Croatian Uklete ruine -
    Czech Strašidelné trosky -
    Danish De Hjemsøgte Ruiner -
    Dutch De Spookruïne -
    Finnish Kummitusrauniot -
    French (France) Les Ruines Hantées -
    German Die Spukruinen -
    Greek Τα Στοιχειωμένα Ερείπια
    Ta Stoicheioména Ereípia
    Hungarian A szellemjárta romok -
    Italian Le Rovine infestate -
    Japanese ペリグリン城
    Peregrin Castle
    Norwegian De hjemsøkte ruiner -
    Polish Nawiedzone ruiny -
    Portuguese (Brazil) As Ruínas Assombradas -
    Portuguese (Portugal) Ruínas Assombradas -
    Romanian Ruinele Bântuite -
    Russian Руины с привидениями
    Ruiny s privideniyami
    Spanish (LatAm) Las Ruinas Encantadas -
    Spanish (Spain) Las Ruinas encantadas -
    Swedish Den hemsökta ruinen -
    Turkish Perili Harabeler -


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