Lord Palethorn

Revision as of 10:15, 17 August 2012 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

Lord Palethorn of Shoreditch (real name Reggie Pallthrop) is the primary antagonist of MediEvil 2.

Lord Palethorn


Having found pages of Zarok's spellbook, Palethorn wanted to take over London and eventually, the world. His spell scattered the pages of the spellbook throughout London, however, making him unable to control the zombies he had brought to life.

After obtaining all the pages, he summons a demon to fight Daniel for him. Dan manages to confuse Palethorn's ship into hitting the demon, which ultimately leads to Palethorn's defeat. He then attempts to kill Daniel by a mass explosion, but fails.

He can be seen in one of the game's endings, presumably in Gallowmere's past.

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