A Paneful Demise

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    This article is about the trophy in the original game. For the trophy in the remake, see Demolished the Demons.
    Demolished the Demons
    Description Destroy both Flying Demons in the Enchanted Earth.
    Trophy type
    Hidden No
    Prior trophy A Paneful Demise
    Next trophy Bone Head Bone Dead

    Demolished the Demons is a story-related trophy in MediEvil.

    How to unlock

    Destroy both of the Flying Demons in The Enchanted Earth level. This trophy cannot be missed.

    Behind the scenes


    This trophy is based on the trophy of the same name in the MediEvil remake:

    Demolished the Demons Demolished the Demons
    Destroy both Demonettes in the Enchanted Earth.

    The silhouette of the Flying Demon's head is lifted from a trophy that appears in the 2023 port of MediEvil: Resurrection:

    Devilish Tricksters Devilish Tricksters
    Defeat the Demonettes.

    Trophy name

    The trophy name employs alliteration, which is the repetition of syllable-initial consonant sounds between nearby words.

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic تدمير الشياطين
    tadmir alshayatin
    Chinese (Simplified) 扼杀恶魔
    Èshā èmó
    Chinese (Traditional) 殲滅惡魔
    Jiānmiè èmó
    Czech Démoni zničeni
    Danish Dræb dæmonerne
    Dutch Demonendestructie
    Finnish Demonit murskaksi
    French (Canada) Désenchantés
    French (France) Désenchantés
    German Demolierte Dämonen
    Greek Δαιμονοκατεδαφιστής
    Hungarian Démonok pusztítója
    Indonesian Iblis Telah Binasa
    Italian Demonitore
    Japanese 悪魔払い
    Korean 악마 궤멸
    agma gwemyeol
    Norwegian Demonene ble knust
    Polish Demoniczna demolka
    Portuguese (Brazil) Demolidor de demônios
    Portuguese (Portugal) Demónios Demolidos
    Romanian Distruge Diavolii
    Russian Убийца демонов
    Ubiytsa demonov
    Spanish (LatAm) Endemoniado
    Spanish (Spain) Demonios demolidos
    Swedish Demondödaren
    Thai กวาดล้างปีศาจ
    Kwādl̂āng pīṣ̄āc
    Turkish İblisler İmha Edildi
    Vietnamese Diệt Quỷ


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