Category:Pages with other language names without any explained meanings
These pages use the {{OtherLanguages}} template to show the names of the page subject in other languages. However, they have no meanings column. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it may not be necessary to have one on every page. This category exists solely to track pages where this is the case.
Pages in category "Pages with other language names without any explained meanings"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 414 total.
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- Back for Seconds
- Bad Hay Day
- Baffy the Baffler
- Barrelman Badillo
- Bats
- Beard
- Bedside Secrets
- Bellows
- Beware the Ripper
- Bloodborne Weapon
- Blunderbuss
- Boiler Guards
- Bombs
- Bone Head Bone Dead
- Bone Head Bone Dead (1998)
- Bonebreaker
- Boulder Gargoyles
- Bring Down the Spire
- Brit-Nih
- Bronze Shield
- Brute Bruty
- Bum
- Butterfly Net
- Calcium Enriched
- Cannon Ball
- Captain Coffman
- Captive Farmers
- Cathedral Spires
- Cemetery Hill
- Cemetery Hill (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Chalice of Heroes
- Chalice of Souls
- Chalice of Souls (trophy)
- Chaos Rune
- Chen the Enchantress
- Chicken Drumsticks (MediEvil 2)
- Chicken Drumsticks (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Chief Boiler Guard
- Circus of Horrors
- Colonel Dan's Fried Chicken
- Colonel Fortesque's Special Recipe
- Colonel Fortesque's Special Recipe (1998)
- Cooper
- Corn Killers
- The Count
- Crows
- Crucifix
- Crucifix Cast
- Crumbling Castle
- The Crystal Caves
- Dan of Avarice
- Dan the Brawler
- Dan the Dragon
- Dan the Exterminator
- Dan the Famished
- Dan the Hooligan
- Dan the Infallible
- Dan the Invincible
- Dan the Merciful
- Dan the Scribe
- Dan the Unstoppable
- Dan's Crypt (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Dankenstein (level)
- User:DansFriend/Sandbox2
- Daring D. Castro
- De-vamp the House
- Deathly Smorgasbord
- Deathly Smorgasbord (1998)
- Demolished the Demons
- Demolished the Demons (1998)
- Demonettes
- Descend into Madness
- Devilish Tricksters
- Ding! Winner!
- Dinosaur Key
- Dizzy Decimator
- Dizzy Decimator (1998)
- Dogman
- Don't Dillydally or Lollygag
- Dragon Armour
- Dragon Armour (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Dragon Birds
- Dragon Island
- Dragon Toads
- Duck Shoot
- Gallowmere
- Gallowmere Plains
- Gatling Gun
- Gavin the Golden
- Geraldine
- Get Your Bearings
- Ghost Ship
- Ghost Ship Captain
- Ghouls
- Gimme That Back!
- Gimme That Back! (1998)
- Give a Hand, DanHand
- Glass Heart
- Golden Cog
- Gorge Farmer
- Granny Fortesque
- Grave Keeper Kambic
- Graveyard Wolves
- Greenhouse Key
- Greenwich Naval Academy
- Greenwich Observatory
- Greenwich Tussle
- Griffin Shield
- Grudge Match of the Century
- Guardian o' the Bell
- Guardians of Mellowmede
- Guardians of the Graveyard
- Hall of Heroes
- Hall of Heroes (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Handy Dan
- The Harbour Master
- Harvester Part
- Haunted Ruins
- Head
- Head Bangers
- Headless Zombies
- Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead
- Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead (1998)
- Hedges
- Henchman Pummeler
- Hero of Gallowmere (trophy)
- Hero's Crossbow
- Hero's Sword
- Hilltop Mausoleum
- Hopper the Legless
- Horus
- Hot Scales
- Hothouse Valve
- How about Some Gallows Humor
- Hugh Kerfuffle
- I Can See My Crypt from Here
- I Got My Thrills on Cemetery Hill
- I Hope You Gorge Yourself
- I Miss My Crypt
- I'm the Captain Now
- If It Slithers, I Slays
- If It Slithers, I Slays (1998)
- Impaired Drivers
- Impaired Drivers (1998)
- Imps
- Inside The Asylum (MediEvil: Resurrection)
- Isibod Brunel
- It's an Acquired Taste
- It's Not Their Fault They're Mad
- It's Not Their Fault They're Mad (1998)