Books in MediEvil 2

Revision as of 13:28, 20 May 2012 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

A list of all the game's books.

The Museum

Sir Daniel Fortesque

The legendary Knight Sir Daniel Fortesque. Born around 1250, died 1286 at the battle of Gallowmere. Legend has it that after defeating the evil Sorcerer Zarok at the battle of Gallowmere he rose from the dead a century later to destroy Zarok once and for all. It is said, that in times of great need, he will return again to free the land from evil.


The great Kraken, that could smash a boat between its fearsome jaws - some still suppose that the deepest seas still hold creatures like this great beast. Fisherman, Phil McCaven, caught this example off the coast of Bognor Regis in 1774.


Despite assuming many monstrous forms, the evil sorcerer Zarok was reputedly a coward. Legend has it that the Great Knight Sir Daniel Fortesque vanquished this creature in 1386.

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

Dinosaur Display

Recent advances in technology have allowed us to accurately rebuild these great beasts for the first time. Many of these giant creatures stood as tall as a house. Their brains were small and weak and had to be protected by large bony bounce plates.


Professor's Hamilton Kift's research notes

Date: 12,3,1885

My experiments have been a partial success.
So far I have managed to re-animate a number of body parts. Unfortunately they tend to mutate into ghastly creatures that are quite beyond my control. I am forced to release them to forever roam searching for food in the bowels of the London underground.

I am afraid to say that at this point my research has reached a dead end.

Date 23,5,1886

Since her arrival Kiya has been helping with my experiments. Her knowledge of Egyptian embalming techniques has led me to believe that great progress can be made. Whilst Fortesque is out saving the world I have been making the final touches to a machine that I am convinced will be able to create a fully formed human specimen.

Iron Slugger

The Noble Art of Pugilism

The noble art of pugilism as refined by the Marquis of Queensway. High and low "knuckle bruising" jab using File:PSB-S.png or File:PSB-X.png.

High and low "gut busting" hook File:PSB-T.png or File:PSB-C.png.

A block can be broken with a "jaw-buster" uppercut, R2 and File:PSB-S.png or, "an overhead chop", R1 and File:PSB-S.png.

Though generally frowned upon, for a crunching headbutt press File:PSB-S.png and File:PSB-X.png together.

For those of a cowardly nature, blocks can be performed R1, high, or R2, low.

Press L1 to cycle through a selection of camera views.

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