Draft:MediEvil: Legends

Revision as of 19:18, 22 September 2012 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)
PLEASE NOTE: This page is a draft. It is thus in an unfinished state and may feature broken and/or incorrect formatting.

Template:InfoboxAlt MediEvil: Legends was one of the four game prototypes developed by students of the University of Abertay Dundee.


Sir Dan, having defeated the hordes of Zarok and earned his place in the Hall of Heroes, has been asked by the other heroes to recount his tale of conquest against the hordes of Zarok. Dan, however, was always one to tell tall tales.


Gameplay consisted of a linear set of enemy waves, each wave getting progressively harder by spawning in more enemies for longer periods of time. The final prototype contained 5 different enemy types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The zombies, numerous and weak, the mummies, rare but significantly tougher and hard-hitting, Scarecrows, extremely fast and agile, Headless zombies who run in straight lines very fast across the map, bouncing off walls and providing both comic relief and a surprising hazard, and Shadow Demons, deadly, fast and tough.

Waves were interspersed with humorous dialogue between Dan recounting his tale, and the heroes listening in, chiming in with their own comments and version of events, mocking and supporting Dan's achievements.