Euro Demo 04/99 'Action Special'

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Region PAL
Language(s) German
Attract Mode No
Primary Volume Descriptor
Volume Identifier GS0499
Volume Creation Date 1999/03/03
Volume Creation Time 18:58:21
Creation Date Friday, 11th September 1998.
Creation Time ‏‎‏‎07:22:20
Creation Date Thursday, 27th August 1998.
Creation Time 17:49:49

The Euro Demo 04/99 'Action Special' disc contains a German release of the MediEvil Demo. The disc was bundled with special issue 3-1999 of the Official PlayStation Magazine in Germany. The focus of this special issue was on action games.



  • Akuji the Heartless
  • Deathtrap Dungeon
  • Forsaken
  • Future Cop: L.A.P.D. 2100
  • MediEvil
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • The Fifth Element
  • Tomb Raider III


  • Silent Hill

File listing

The time zone for the following list of files is UTC+1.

Main directory

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        26/02/1999     05:59                5THDEMO
d-----        25/02/1999     08:52                AKUJI
d-----        25/02/1999     08:52                DD
d-----        25/02/1999     08:50                DDUNGEON
d-----        25/02/1999     08:52                FCOPLAPD
d-----        25/02/1999     08:50                FORSAKEN
d-----        25/02/1999     08:49                MEDIE_GR
d-----        25/02/1999     08:51                MGS
d-----        25/02/1999     08:57                MOVIES
d-----        25/02/1999     08:51                SILENT
d-----        25/02/1999     08:51                TOMB3
d-----        25/02/1999     08:52                Z
--r---        09/10/1998     07:57         645120 AKUJI.EXE
--r---        23/01/1998     07:39       44824460 MUSIC.PCM
--r---        15/10/1997     06:16          26624 SCED_019.95
--r---        25/02/1999     08:15             60 SYSTEM.CNF


Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
--r---        09/06/1998     03:35         131092 BSLOGO.TIM
--r---        25/02/1999     08:47         247808 DD.EXE
--r---        08/11/1996     04:44         327700 DISCLAIM.TIM
--r---        14/08/1998     07:11         505808 FUTCOV.VB
--r---        03/02/1999     03:00          61984 FUTICONS.TIM
--r---        24/02/1999     03:04            224 FUTURE.TXT
--r---        11/01/1996     07:41          94208 PIRATE.EXE
--r---        25/09/1995     09:59          24212 QUITSCRN.VLC
--r---        23/11/1998     01:58          20180 RESET.VLC
--r---        25/02/1999     08:47             60 SYSTEM.CNF


Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        25/02/1999     08:50                OVERLAYS
--r---        09/07/1998     04:28       13484032 2AV.STR
--r---        26/06/1998     06:23       12369920 DEMOXA.STR
--r---        24/08/1998     10:25       10125312 GSPEECH.STR
--r---        11/09/1998     07:22         837632 MEDIEVIL.EXE
--r---        27/08/1998     09:50       15360000 MEDRES.MWD
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          52004 AC.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          38012 AG.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          40776 CC.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          25700 CH.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58           7264 CR.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:59          11796 CREDITS.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          56568 DC.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          59704 EE.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          12668 EH.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          13044 GG.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          37616 GS.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          18900 GY1.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          41272 GY2.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          49380 HH.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          51576 HR.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          22520 IA.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          30876 LA.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          19448 LANDMAP.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          23576 PD.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          38084 PG.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          52984 PS.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          53428 SF.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          54328 SV.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          55820 TD.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58          37282 TL.BIN
--r---        27/08/1998     09:58           3668 ZL.BIN


The following information can be found in the FUTURE.TXT file inside the DD folder:


Programmers: Allan J. Murphy, Vince Diesi, Paul Holman
Producer:    Richard Milner
Assembler:   Phil Rogers
Artist:      Pete Johnson, Steve Weymouth 
Sound:       Harry Holmwood, Jason Page

See also

External links


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Reviewable Version Thursday, 27th August 1998. English Master

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