Registered User Demo 02

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Registered Users Demo 02 main menu.png
Region PAL
Language(s) English
Attract Mode No
Primary Volume Descriptor
Volume Identifier REGISTERED_USERS_02
Volume Creation Date 1997/10/14
Volume Creation Time 10:54:46
Creation Date Thursday, 14th August 1997.
Creation Time 11:39:52
Creation Date Thursday, 14th August 1997.
Creation Time 19:13:11

The Registered User Demo 02 disc contains a release of the MediEvil Rolling Demo. It was sent exclusively to people who registered their PlayStation console with Sony. In the United Kingdom, copies of the disc were initially sent out in late 1997.[1] It is unknown when the disc was sent out in other regions.

The content of the disc, as well as the appearance of its main menu, are similar to the ones of the Winter Releases '97 demo 01 disc. Both discs have the same Crash Bandicoot 2 demo, MediEvil Rolling Demo, Nightmare Creatures demo, Parappa The Rapper demo and Final Fantasy VII promo video. The volume creation and file dates on the discs suggest that Registered User Demo 02 is based on the Winter Releases '97 demo 01 disc.



  • MediEvil (Rolling Demo)
  • Crash Bandicoot 2
  • Kula Quest
  • Nightmare Creatures
  • Overboard (2 Player)
  • Parappa The Rapper
  • Test Drive 4


  • Crash Bandicoot Intro
  • Final Fantasy VII


  • Game Hotlines

File listing

The time zone for the following list of files is UTC+1.

Main directory

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       04/09/1997     09:26                DD
d-----       04/09/1997     09:46                KULA
d-----       04/09/1997     09:27                MEDIEVIL
d-----       04/09/1997     09:28                MOVIES
d-----       04/09/1997     09:30                NC_DEMO
d-----       04/09/1997     09:38                PARAPPA
d-----       04/09/1997     09:48                S1
d-----       04/09/1997     09:45                TD4
--r---       19/05/1997     10:22       34821404 BLANK.RAW
--r---       14/08/1997     03:26         686080 OB.EXE
--r---       12/08/1997     02:51          12220 RES.RDA
--r---       12/08/1997     02:51             76 RES.RDR
--r---       12/08/1997     02:51        4078192 RES.RDT
--r---       07/04/1997     05:01          26624 SCED_009.36
--r---       03/10/1997     02:04             60 SYSTEM.CNF


Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        04/09/1997     09:26                INST
--r---        21/08/1997     08:44         131092 BSLOGO.TIM
--r---        03/10/1997     01:57         239616 DD.EXE
--r---        10/10/1995     07:43         327700 DISCLAIM.TIM
--r---        07/04/1997     02:56         500656 FUTCOV.VB
--r---        04/09/1997     09:16          61984 FUTICONS.TIM
--r---        04/09/1997     10:43            171 FUTURE.TXT
--r---        04/09/1997     10:43         131092 LOADER.TIM
--r---        11/01/1996     07:41          94208 PIRATE.EXE
--r---        25/09/1995     09:59          24212 QUITSCRN.VLC
--r---        19/06/1996     03:32          24212 RESET.VLC
--r---        31/07/1995     06:19         327700 WARNING.TIM
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
--r---        04/09/1997     10:37          24212 CRASH2.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:35          24212 CRASH2I.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:37          24212 F197.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:35          24212 FINAL7.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:35          24212 HOTLINE.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:37          24212 KULA.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:36          20180 MEDI.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:39          24212 NC.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:37          24212 OB.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:38          24212 PARAPPA.VLC
--r---        04/09/1997     10:38          24212 TD4.VLC


Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       04/09/1997     09:27                OVERLAYS
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39         710656 MEDIEVIL.EXE
--r---       14/08/1997     11:14        8906752 MEDRES.MWD
--r---       12/08/1997     07:08       12369920 MIG1.STR
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          16744 AC.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          10620 AG.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          15648 CC.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 CH.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 CS.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 CV.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          17188 DC.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 EE.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 EH.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 FD.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 GG.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 GM.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          16904 GS.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          11388 GY.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 HI.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          17736 HR.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 LA.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 MR.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 MS.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39           8724 PD.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          22432 PG.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 PS.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          12300 SF.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39          23584 SV.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 SW.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 TD.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 TH.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 TL.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39              4 TR.BIN
--r---       14/08/1997     11:39           2568 ZL.BIN


The following information can be found in the FUTURE.TXT file inside the DD folder:


Producer:    John Roberts
Programmers: Vince Diesi/Paul Holman
Artist:      Pete Johnson
Sound:       Harry Holmwood
Hacking:     Tommy_D

See also


  1. Latah, Is There A Mailing List on Published December 1, 1997. Retrieved April 22, 2022.

External links


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N/A Thursday, 14th August 1997. ECTS Pre-Alpha

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