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====September 17, 2019====
====September 17, 2019====
*{{cite web|site=PREVIEWSworld|title=Dead Man Dan Returns In MediEvil Graphic Novel|published=September 17, 2019|url=http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2017/12/interview_medievil_creators_give_their_verdict_on_the_forthcoming_ps4_remaster}}
*{{cite web|site=PREVIEWSworld|title=Dead Man Dan Returns In MediEvil Graphic Novel|published=September 17, 2019|url=http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2017/12/interview_medievil_creators_give_their_verdict_on_the_forthcoming_ps4_remaster}}
===MediEvil Madness Facebook Q&A===
====December 9, 2019====
'''Q. Why isn’t the comic longer?'''
'''A.''' We had a very limited page count, primarily due to the time available and the crazy amount of work for one person to draw and color it, not to mention the additional animation requirements for the digital version. Despite that I wanted to try and tell a worthwhile story and to pack as much as we could into the constrained space. Honestly - we would have loved for it to be longer, but as it is I have to stress just how hard Jason worked on this. It’s amazing that he created as much glorious looking artwork as he did in the time!
'''Q. Why is Canny Tim now a girl?'''
'''A'''. Well obviously the idea is that she always was, but was just hiding the fact in order to fight alongside her male peers. Ok, I admit we never really though of her that way originally, but to be quite honest none of those guys ever had much depth. I loved some of them nevertheless, and I wanted to give one of my favorites a little more back-story. I liked the idea of doing something a little surprising, of adding another much needed female into the MediEvil world, and, like I say, of fleshing out the character a bit!
'''Q. Why was living Sir Dan such a horrible person?'''
'''A.''' Well the gargoyles always said he was a coward and a cheat that didn’t deserve to be celebrated as a hero. …All of which - combined with being given a second chance - made him step up and become the hero that we know and love. It may be a little jarring to see him be quite so obnoxious, but his journey was always one of redemption - literally from zero to hero. Personally I think it’s much more interesting for us to truly dislike him, so that we can also see how far that spark of redemption has taken Sir Dan. …Another take on this: I’ve always (even back in the early days) had the original Black Adder series in mind when I consider who living Dan might have been. I think Captain F is something of a composite of Edmund from series 1 and Edmund from series 2. Truth be told I might have subconsciously borrowed the Canny Tim as a girl idea from there too :)
'''Q. Why did Kiya’s design change?'''
'''A.''' Conceptually I think Kiya was a great addition to MediEvil 2 - I love the idea of Sir Dan having an undead soul-mate. Unfortunately to me, her appearance and character depth never extended beyond the typical ‘male gaze’ tropes so familiar in that period in game development. That’s something I’ve always found pretty embarrassing - video games should be for '''everyone'''. I believe Jason felt the same, and was only too happy to give her a look more becoming both of an Egyptian princess, and more befitting a central character in the series.
'''Q. Why didn’t we do more with Kiya?'''
'''A.''' Primarily page count. I preferred the idea of offering a (hopefully) touching conclusion to their relationship over having her as a bit of a third wheel in a story that clearly needed to be about Sir Dan. So is that absolutely the end for her? No, I really don’t think it has to be - at least I know just how I’d like to see her make a re-appearance ;)
[About Present Day Dan's Voice] There was supposed to be a slightly 'electrical' look to his speech bubbles to suggest a voice-box. I'm not sure if that got lost along the way?!
BTW (for the record) Dan's death date was supposed to be 100 years earlier than it says. I accidentally put his resurrection date instead. Stupid!
====December 10, 2019====
'''Q. What about the super-armor?'''
'''A.''' Sorry, it wasn't deliberately ignored, I just didn't think to reference it (my thinking tends to be more around M1 than M2 for obvious reasons).
'''Q. What about Dan in the future?'''
'''A.''' There was a time when I thought having the series jump forward in time was a good idea. I was picturing it a bit like Blackadder (which I mentioned above). In fact my original premise for M2 had not Dan, but Sir Henry Fortesque as a Victorian descendant of Sir Dan. ...But anyhow, I have nothing against 'future Sir Dan' storylines, but I did come to think that the further you head from the Medieval roots, the more the game loses its identity. Victorian London had a suitable vibe, I'm not sure too many other places and times do. Just IMO of course :)
'''Q. Did we come up with ages for the characters?'''
'''A.''' Not really, just Dan. Please note my comment earlier that in the comic I stupidly wrote his resurrection date when it should have been his year of death (so no deliberate shifting of that!). I picture Dan dying in his mid thirties, King P in his late sixties.
'''Q.''' Was Gallowmere still a kingdom by the time of the first game?
'''A.''' Yeah, I think so, albeit I think it would have been a kingdom very much in decline. Obviously the whole concept of Gallowmere is taking liberties with real history - as I touched on in the comic, I notionally imagined it being one of a number of 'kingdoms' within dark ages England. Clearly those must have all long disappeared by the time of M2!
'''Q. Had Dan already died a hero in M1?'''
'''A.''' Definitely not would be my take! I like to think of the comic as the ending of the first time through these events. With the comic's ending, yes, a time-loop begins. So how did the King's forces win the battle prior to M1? Probably by some random act of good fortune - as one of many divergent possible realities where in most others they would have lost terribly. Dan's act at the end of the comic 'locks down' that victory and causes those other timelines to fade away. In a bigger story I would have loved to see some conflict between timelines that clearly only Dan's sacrifice can resolve.
'''Q. Why did Dan have to redeem himself?'''
'''A.''' Because previously he had failed his men and his king. His failings and inaction meant they went into battle with no battle-plan, no belief in their leader and no hope of victory.
'''Q. Are Sir Dan and Captain F separate entities now?'''
'''A.''' My take on this would be yes!
'''Q. Who locked up the Shadow Demons.'''
'''A.''' Sorry, that one's not had any thought to date.
