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Lake Key: Difference between revisions

243 bytes added ,  5 December 2011
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(Created page with "The''' Lake Key '''is an unused key that can be found using cheats within the Interactive CD Sampler Volume 8 demo of MediEvil. The key uses the same icon as the Skull Key. I...")
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|Box title = Lake Key
|image = File:Skull_Key.png
|imagewidth = 65px
|Row 1 title = Found in:
|Row 1 info = ???
|Row 2 title = Used in:
|Row 2 info = ???
|Row 3 title = Appears in:
|Row 3 info = [[Interactive CD Sampler Volume 8]]}}
The''' Lake Key '''is an unused key that can be found using cheats within the Interactive CD Sampler Volume 8 demo of MediEvil. The key uses the same icon as the [[Skull Key]]. It was presumably meant to be used in [[The Lake]] level.
The''' Lake Key '''is an unused key that can be found using cheats within the Interactive CD Sampler Volume 8 demo of MediEvil. The key uses the same icon as the [[Skull Key]]. It was presumably meant to be used in [[The Lake]] level.