Lake Key

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    PLEASE NOTE: This page refers to content that is not present in the final versions of the game due to being cut, removed or repurposed.
    Lake Key
    Icon(s) MediEvil1998-Inventory-SkullKeyIcon.png
    Flavour text Key to Zarok's Lost and Found
    Found in Unknown
    Used in Unknown
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)

    The Lake Key is an unused key that can be found using cheats within earlier builds of MediEvil. It uses the same icon as the Skull Key. There are also several strings for the item in the 2019 remake of MediEvil as well.


    MediEvil (1998 original)

    It was presumably meant to be used in The Lake level or to unlock it.

    In early versions of MediEvil, The Lake was a part of the final portion of the game.[1] It would have been accessed from The Hub, along with The Great Machine and The Time Device levels. It is possible the Lake Key was a way to force players to play these levels in a certain order before The Hub level was removed from the game and The Lake was moved to an earlier portion of the game.

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    It is unknown how or whether the key was going to be used in the remake. Its flavour text implies that it was going to unlock something called Zarok's Lost and Found. Several strings exist for the key in the game files.

    Key Value
    General/INV_LAKE_KEY_FOUND Found Lake Key.
    General/INV_LAKE_KEY_FLAVOR Key to Zarok's Lost and Found
    General/INV_LAKE_KEY Lake Key
    General/INV_LAKE_KEY_USED Used Lake Key.

    In other languages

    Unlike for most other placeholder/cut items, the key's name was fully translated into each language.

    Language Official Name
    Arabic مفتاح البحيرة
    miftah albuhayra
    Bulgarian Ключ за езерото
    Klyuch za ezeroto
    Croatian Jezerski ključ
    Czech Jezerní klíč
    Danish Sø-nøgle
    Dutch Meer-sleutel
    Finnish Järviavain
    French (France) Clé du lac
    German Seeschlüssel
    Greek Το Κλειδί της Λίμνης
    To Kleidí tis Límnis
    Hungarian Tókulcs
    Italian Chiave del lago
    Japanese 湖の鍵
    Mizūmi no kagi
    Norwegian Innsjønøkkel
    Polish Klucz jeziorowy
    Portuguese (Brazil) Chave do Lago
    Portuguese (Portugal) Chave do Lago
    Romanian Cheia Lacului
    Russian Озерный ключ
    Ozernyy klyuch
    Spanish (LatAm) Llave del lago
    Spanish (Spain) Llave del lago
    Swedish Sjönyckeln
    Turkish Göl Anahtarı


    1. MediEvil Rolling Demo. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment in September 1997.


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