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MediEvil: The Game Prequel/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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(Transcript up to the beginning of The Battle of Gallowmere.)
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!Bandaged Man
!Bandaged Man
|[''Using a voice box''] I have been following your work on the '[[Sir Daniel Fortesque|The Hero of Gallowmere]]' for many years. It has taught me a great deal. I think it's time for me to give something back!
|[''Using a voice box''] I have been following your work on the{{sic}} '[[Sir Daniel Fortesque|The Hero of Gallowmere]]' for many years. It has taught me a great deal. I think it's time for me to give something back!

First, let me apologize for my appearance - I have long suffered from an unpleasant... condition. People would find my true appearance quite distracting.  
First, let me apologize for my appearance - I have long suffered from an unpleasant... condition. People would find my true appearance quite distracting.  
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|''The two henchmen have dragged Dan all the way to the Mystic Maidens, a seemingly ancient circle of standing stones. They place Dan on a stone slab in the middle.''
|''The two henchmen have put Sir Dan in a sack and dragged him all the way out to the Mystic Maidens, a seemingly ancient circle of standing stones. They place Dan on a stone slab in the middle of the circle.''
!Zarok's Henchman
|Let's pulverate 'im!
|I 'fink it's 'pulver-ize' [[Merek]].
... But words make my 'ed hurt. Let's just do it.
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|...Mmwwwr ...mumble! ...Mrrbuu!
|''Just as they're about to strike, they are interrupted by the howling of a beast. Aaawwoooo! A werewolf jumps on Merek's back. It rips out Merek's head, including most of his spine. Rrriiipp.''
|Aw, bugger!
|''The werewolf is bathed in Merek's blood and gore. Swipe. Spurt. Boris doesn't stand a chance. Slash! The werewolf slashes Boris' stomach, his guts spilling out everywhere. The werewolf then howls at the moon once more. Howwwllll!''
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|[''Getting out of the sack''] Gulp
|''The werewolf jumps on Sir Dan and starts licking him. Suddenly Griff appears as well.''
|Wow! Who knew yer old hound was a were-dog? He must have been bit by one of the forest wolves at some point. I found 'im back at the castle so I sprinkled a bit o' fairy juice in his eyes to help 'im understand who yer was...
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|... Fairy juice?
|I may have also promised 'im a yummy bone, hope yer don't mind...
So, I brought Tim and me little sis' [[Noreen]] with me. She's probably the fairest maiden in all the magical realm!
|Alright 'andsome!?
So me bruv filled me in on the 'sitch. I fink I've got an idea that can 'elp yer.
So there ain't no way that lily liver Fortesque's gonna be leading no battle charge. We're gonna need you and 'im to proper trade places.
|Noreen's friends with some of the witches of Gallowmere.
|That's right, bruv. And I 'appen to know that my mate [[The Pumpkin Witch|Wartilda]] can make a mean [[Body Swap Potion|body swap potion]].
!Canny Tim
|That sounds perfect! Er, assuming you're up for that, sir?
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|> Gulp < Ok! What do I have to do?
|Well... she's gonna need three fings.
First, she'll need a bone from you Sir Knight... got any you don't use no more? He he he!
Then she'll want a chunk of the yella belly's flesh. Nuffin' too big - maybe a toe?
And finally she'll need the heart of someone wot loves yer.
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|... Love?
|''Thinking about Kiya makes Dan sad. Canny Tim picks up on this and adopts an equally sad look.''
|Come on now! There must be someone wot loves yer?
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|Well there '''''was''''' someone... but I doubt I'll ever see her again. It's impossible.
|Come on fellas - Auntie Noreen wouldn't give yer a plan like this 'less we could make it 'appen!
|Yeah, you is in luck 'cos fairy chicks possess a special power that us doods don't 'av!
|I can take you to her. Wiv magic.
|Come on, Dan - it's easy. All you need to do is picture yourself with your missus. Then Noreen'll expel a little magic gas and - hey presto - yer back with yer true love.
|So... we gonna do this fing?
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|Let's do it!
|''Dan begins to concentrate on Kiya. Noreen places her hands on his skull.''
|Come on Noreen! - I believe in yer!
|''Noreen expels some 'magic gas'. Toot! Sir Dan suddenly disappears. Pop!''
|Heh! Bit too 'ard, eh? Easily done.
!Canny Tim
|> Cough! <
|... We did tell him he only 'as twenty minutes, right?
|''Sir Dan finds himself in an Egyptian tomb. He picks up a lit torch from the wall. Click. However, he is suddenly attacked by a snake. Hissss! It bites into his leg.''
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|You're biting the wrong guy, buddy!
|''Dan squishes the snake under his foot. Stomp!''
''Venturing further in, he finds a sarcophagus adorned with similar imagery - his own head, the Skull of Gallowmere and even the [[Iron Slugger]] appear on its lid. He slowly opens the sarcophagus to reveal... Princess Kiya.''
''She appears to be peaceful. She holds a letter in her hands. Dan takes it and begins to read.''
!Princess Kiya's letter
|'...I travelled back to my own time where I faced an evil warlock bent on summoning [[Anubis]] into the mortal realm...'
'...I learnt to cross-stitch and created a tapestry depicting our glorious adventure together...'
'...but I grew weary. I asked my [[Kiya's High Priest|High Priest]] to invoke a ritual of eternal rest, to seal me up in here. Just as we were beginning a strange little blue sprite appeared. He told me that you may yet need my help, that I should leave a special gift for you...'
'...third drawer down on the left at the end of the sarcophagus...'
'...you will also find a [[The Eye of Amon Ra|special item of great power]]...'
'...eternally yours, Kiya'
|''Dan is brought to tears by the letter. He imagines Kiya giving him one last kiss before he takes what he came for and heads back.''
|Oi, Timothy! Look - Sir Dan is back!
!Canny Tim
|Welcome back sir!
... Actually, Griff, my full name's not Timothy. It's Timberly.
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
!Canny Tim
|Poor old mam struggled with Ks... Timberly kinda stuck.
|Waaaait a minute! You're a chick!
!Canny Tim
|Well... yes! Just between us of course - they'd never let a girl fight in the King's army. My little secret - he he!
|Silly boys - I fort you knew?! Anyhow,i t looks like Dan's got 'imself a heart. I'm sorry dear, that must have been tough.
|Well... we was busy too. We caught 'im trying to run away.
|''Griff flits over to Captain Fortesque.''
|We went back to the castle and... um, it pains me to say it, but me little sis' is a better fajazzler than I am.
... And we met up back 'ere at Wartilda's gaff...
|Pleased to meet you Sir Knight!
... It's my pleasure to help you with your magical brew today! This is one of my fav-
|''A sudden burst of green energy interrupts them. Foosh!''
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|Curse you Fortesque! I don't know how you escaped my thugs...
...But I can't let you turn '''''him''''' into a hero.
|''Zarok begins to raise the dead. Zombies begin bursting out of the ground. Grrrr.''
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|[''Shouting''] '''''Protect the Captain!'''''
|''Sir Dan, Canny Tim and Lupo bravely fight off the onslaught of the undead. The battle is over soon.''
!Canny Tim
|Zarok has vanished, sir.
|Ooh - I do apologize for all those corpses! Anyhow... you have some ingredients for me?
|''Dan hands over the canopic jar containing Kiya's heart to Wartilda. He pops off a bit of his finger and throws it in the cauldron. And the final ingredient...''
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|Unlike Sir Dan, Lupo doesn't hesitate. He bites off one of the Captain's toes and promptly spits it out in the cauldron. Plop!
!Canny Tim
|So... have you guys considered how Sir Dan is actually going to drink this stuff?
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|[''Smacking his head''] Doh!
|[''Shrugging''] ...?
!Bandaged Man
|[''Voice-over''] After much debate they decided to thicken up the potion to turn it into a kind of ointment. They rubbed some all over Dan's skull and some more on Captain Fortesque.
|''The scene changes. The sun is coming out and two figures can be seen walking towards Castle Peregrin.''
!Bandaged Man
|[''Voice-over''] By dawn the spell had worked - Sir Dan was not back in his fleshy form and Captain Fortesque was tied up and still partially fajazzled in Wartilda's hut.
Lupo watched over his master - the dog seemed acutely aware of the changes the potion had wrought. He was also guarding a gift that Sir Dan had secretly left behind.
It was now just two hours 'til the Battle of Gallowmere and Dan and Canny Tim were headed back to the castle to prepare.
|''Sir Dan shows up on the battlefield. The morale of Gallowmere's troops begins to improve.''
!Soldier #1
|Fortesque showed up!
!Soldier #2
|'ee's not wearing that dumb armor no more!
!Soldier #3
|Amazing work with that Jabberwocky Captain Fortesque!
![[Horned helmet man]]
|I think 'ee's actually going to lead us!
!Bandaged Man
|[''Voice-over''] Dan went immediately to speak with the king.
!King Peregrin
|Ah, Fortesque. You're late! Have you seen Zarok? I expect you to be late but not him!
!Bandaged Man
|[''Voice-over''] After revealing Zarok's duplicity to the king, and with the battle just minutes away, they called together the troops for one final pep talk.
!Sir Daniel Fortesque
|... So, take spirit my brave kinsmen. Fate is on our side. And always remember - we fight for our kingdom! We fight for our king. We fight to keep our brains!
... And there are fresh undergarments behind the catering tent!
!Various Soldiers
|Huzzah! Hurrah! No more chaffing! Fortesque!
!Bandaged Man
|[''Voice-over''] And so, with Zarok's undead army bearing down on the castle, Sir Dan led the charge into the accursed multitude.
Alas - just as he knew he would - he took an arrow to the eye and was the first to fall.
But no matter, Sir Daniel's journey was complete. His bravery had so inspired his men that they fought tirelessly until every last zombie had been defeated and Zarok was forced to flee the land in ignominy.
|''We return to the present day.''
!Professor Darrow
|[''Off-panel''] Well that's an incredible story!
But how - how can I possibly believe it?
... How could you know all this?
!Bandaged Man
| [''Using a voice box''] Because I was there.
!Professor Darrow
|[''Screaming''] '''''...You?!'''''
|''He is Fortesque.''
! colspan="2" |THE END...?
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Transcript of ''MediEvil: Fate's Arrow''}}
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Transcript of ''MediEvil: The Game Prequel''}}