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Short personal biography: Lots of arcade games!… Pacmania, Space Harrier, loathsome football games, and I designed a number of arcade adventure games in the late 80s. I also worked extensively on the first ''[[Medievil]] '' game as Concept Artist/Lead Designer. In the past my job roles have ranged from an Arcade conversion slave, to being Lead Designer, Lead Artist and Creative Director.
Short personal biography: Lots of arcade games!… Pacmania, Space Harrier, loathsome football games, and I designed a number of arcade adventure games in the late 80s. I also worked extensively on the first ''[[Medievil]] '' game as Concept Artist/Lead Designer. In the past my job roles have ranged from an Arcade conversion slave, to being Lead Designer, Lead Artist and Creative Director.
===October 7, 2006===
('''JASON''') "Hello Eoin" or should i say "Mwrrr brr ra Reoin" (Dan speak),
('''ME''') I only recently stumbled across your site, and being a massive MediEvil fan, I adored all that concept art!!
('''JASON''') Glad you enjoyed Medievil and all it's various incarnations!
('''ME''') To me, its like gold!
('''JASON''') Happy that you enjoyed the concept art - i put it up there for fans like you.
('''ME''') ^_^ Anyways, as a thanks for creating such a marvellous game (and a superb voice in Resurrection), I drew a tribute for ya. ;)
('''JASON''') That's fantastic! I am deeply honoured! I'll print it out and put it next to my other artwork! :) Dan is my favourite character I have ever designed.
('''ME''') BTW, d'you think there'll be anymore of Dan in the future?
('''JASON''') Who knows... who knows... you just can't keep a good skeleton down.
('''ME''') If not games, a film adaption would be awesome! Or perhaps some merchandise!
('''JASON''') Over the years there has been talk of a movie or an animated TV show (I think originally a French company was interested - Medievil was a big hit in France). A film would be cool indeed! I guess you will have to make do with A nightmare before christmas! As for merchandise - some press stuff was made - badges, a model of the Dan hand (which looks extrememly cool but I would say pretty much impossible to get hold of - I only have one and it sits next to my Bafta). I often think that a Medievil comic book would be very cool!
('''ME''') Thanks a bunch and seeya. :)
P.S. Here's the deviantart Dan Fanclub if you want a check :
('''JASON''') I checked it out - that's a great page, I read all the forums and looked at all the art - it makes me happy, I showed it to Chris who was the director on Med 1 (which is my favourite - the original ;)). I'll check back now and again to see what is on there. I believe there is another Medievil fan site too (but without all the fan art).
All the best,
===MediEvil Boards Q&A===
===MediEvil Boards Q&A===
====December 25, 2012====
====December 25, 2012====