Speedrunning The Enchanted Earth - MediEvil (1998) Any%

The Enchanted Earth (1998) Any%

NoobKillerRoof's execution of The Enchanted Earth.
Speedrunning information
World record 58s
Items collected None
Glitches used Level looping
Previous level Return to the Graveyard
Next level Pools Of The Ancient Dead

The Enchanted Earth is the sixth level in the Any% category of the original MediEvil. The goal of this level is to reach the exit. You will not collect any item.

This is the first level in the route that requires a level loop to be completed. Although it is a fairly short level, it is the hardest one so far due to the loop.

Tip: If you're not confident about being able to perform this level loop consistently, save the game before starting. If you die, you will be able to restart from this level instead of discarding the entire run.


  1. Run forward and take a left. Hold your shield up, the dragon toads will spit acid at you. Sometimes, if they hit you from behind, you will get a little speed boost.
  2. Take a right, on the right side of the tree stump, towards the big tree trunk with stairs.
Note: There will be a dragon toad on the steps of the first tree trunk. Kill it if necessary, it can get in the way.
  1. Go up the steps and jump on the first platform. Ride it to the second, taller, tree trunk.
Tip: As you ride the first platform, 3 toads will spit at you. Crouch with   and side-step Left and Right (  + direction) to avoid their projectiles.
  1. Perform the level's level loop to reach the exit and leave the level.


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