Dragon Gate Skip

Revision as of 17:24, 24 February 2025 by SirDarcanos (talk | contribs)

The Dragon Gate Skip, or DGS, is the hardest glitches to perform in the original MediEvil. It is used to skip the Dragon Gate in The Gallows Gauntlet, and indirectly also other levels necessary to collect the Dragon Armour.

Dragon Gate Skip

AKA DGS, GGS, Rune Smuggling, MDGS
Difficulty Easy to Hard
Discovery date June 21, 2020
Possible in The Gallows Gauntlet
Used in The Gallows Gauntlet
Obsolete No

How it works

There are 4 known methods to perform this skip. They are listed below in order of difficulty

  1. Rune Smuggling: You can use the smuggling glitch to get the Star Rune from Dan's Crypt and use it in The Gallows Gauntlet's exit gate.
  2. DGS: You can use the Knockback Dash (KBD) glitch to launch yourself past the gate using a gap in the top left side of it. You can now collect the Star Rune and use the same gap with another KBD to leave the area. Effectively, you need to skip the gate twice.
  3. GGS: You can use the above mentioned gap to get past the gate, and then clip through the floor to reach the exit of the level. This method is known as Gallows Gauntlet Skip, or GGS.
  4. MDGS: You can lure the mummy nearby to attack you in front of the gate. Sometimes, the attack allows you to clip through the gate. This method has been discontinued in favor of the other 3 methods because it is highly inconsistent and difficult to perform.

The DGS and GGS are highly precise and difficult, therefore are considered very advanced techniques by speedrunners. Beginners are recommended to use the rune smuggling to skip the gate.


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