The Gallows Gauntlet

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    The Gallows Gauntlet
    General information
    AKA Gallowmere Gallows
    Chalice Yes
    Enemies Skewered Men, Hanged Men, Mummies, Serpent of Gallowmere
    Music (original) IG6
    Music (remake) Necromancer's Finest
    Chronological information
    Level number 17.
    Previous level The Crystal Caves
    Next level The Haunted Ruins
    Location on Land Map
    The Crystal Caves
    Sir Daniel Fortesque
    The Haunted Ruins
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the Chalice rewards.
    If It Slithers, I Slays If It Slithers, I Slays
    Kill the Serpent of Gallowmere.
    Sneaky Sneaky
    Finish any level outside of Dan's Crypt without defeating any enemies or taking damage.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the chalice rewards.
    If It Slithers, I Slays If It Slithers, I Slays
    Kill the Serpent of Gallowmere.
    "Welcome to the Gallows Gauntlet, a luxurious getaway for criminals. Rides include the Sharpened Pole Slide, the Serpent Coaster, and everyone's favorite: the Rope Swing."
    ― Loading screen description

    The Gallows Gauntlet is the seventeenth level of MediEvil. Judging by the nature of the zombies in this level, the Gallows Gauntlet was a place where Gallowmere's criminals were punished and executed via hanging or impalement. This level was not remade in MediEvil: Resurrection.


    Book of Gallowmere





    Main article: Books in MediEvil

    Book 1

    Take care not to wake the Serpent of Gallowmere. It is a most powerful supernatural creature that was bound somewhere withing these chasm walls. If you encounter it, RUN!

    Book 2

    This magical barrier was constructed by the Dragons of old. Only those brave enough to adorn the Dragon Armor may pass through this fiery gate way.

    Book 3

    The fabled Dragon Armor was forged by Dragons from an age long ago. Seek out any remaining Dragons if you are to claim this mighty armor.

    Book 4

    Unable to pass through the fiery Dragon Gate? Only use this alternative route if no other is available and return to the map of Gallowmere.

    Behind the scenes


    Starting with development build 0.39, many elements from the cut The Muddy Riverbank level were introduced into The Gallows Gauntlet, most notably the Dragon Gate.

    The Muddy Riverbank The Gallows Gauntlet
    MediEvilECTSPreAlpha-TheMuddyRiverbankComparison3.png MediEvil0.39-TheGallowsGauntletComparison3.png
    The Muddy Riverbank The Gallows Gauntlet
    MediEvilECTSPreAlpha-TheMuddyRiverbankComparison1.png MediEvil0.39-TheGallowsGauntletComparison1.png
    The Muddy Riverbank The Gallows Gauntlet
    MediEvilECTSPreAlpha-TheMuddyRiverbankComparison2.png MediEvil0.39-TheGallowsGauntletComparison2.png



    In other languages

    MediEvil (1998 original)

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Language Official Name Meaning
    Arabic ”غالوز غانتلينت”
    "ghaluz ghantilinti"
    Bulgarian Галоус Гонтлет
    Галоус Гонтлет
    Croatian Kaznionica vješala -
    Czech Gallowmerská ulička Gallowmere Alley
    Danish Gallow-grilleren -
    Dutch Gallow's Galgenveld -
    Finnish Hirtehisen Hansikas -
    French (France) Le Canyon de Potence -
    German Die Galgenschlucht -
    Greek Η Αρένα Gallows
    I Aréna Gallows
    The Gallows Arena
    Hungarian A Bitó tábor -
    Italian La Gola di Gallows -
    Japanese ガローズの絞首台
    Garōzu no kōshu-dai
    Gallows Gallows
    Norwegian Gallows Spissrotgang -
    Polish Azyl Gallows -
    Portuguese (Brazil) O Tormento da Forca -
    Portuguese (Portugal) Masmorra de Gallows -
    Romanian Chinurile din Gallows -
    Russian «Эстафета висельника»
    «Estafeta visel'nika»
    Spanish (LatAm) El Guantelete de Gallows -
    Spanish (Spain) El Guantelete de Gallows -
    Swedish Gallows Gatlopp -
    Turkish Darağacı Arenası -


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