Final Showdown

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    Final Showdown
    Description Start the Zarok's Lair level.
    Trophy type
    Hidden No
    Prior trophy Who Are You Gonna Call?
    Next trophy Glass Heart

    Final Showdown is a bronze trophy in MediEvil: Resurrection.

    How to unlock

    Simply start the level like the trophy description says.

    Behind the scenes


    The trophy icon shares its design with Grudge Match of the Century except for the background colour.

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic المواجهة الأخيرة
    almuajahat al'akhira
    Chinese (Simplified) 一决胜负
    Yī jué shèng fù
    Chinese (Traditional) 最終決戰
    Zuìzhōng juézhàn
    Czech Konečné zúčtování
    Danish Det endelige opgør
    Dutch Eindstrijd
    Finnish Viimeinen mittelö
    French (Canada) L’ultime épreuve
    French (France) L’ultime épreuve
    German Der letzte Showdown
    Greek Τελική Αναμέτρηση
    Telikí Anamétrisi
    Hungarian Végső leszámolás
    Indonesian Pertarungan Terakhir
    Italian Scontro finale
    Japanese 最後の対決
    Saigo no taiketsu
    Korean 최후의 결전
    choehuui gyeoljeon
    Norwegian Det siste oppgjøret
    Polish Ostatni wyczyn
    Portuguese (Brazil) Confronto final
    Portuguese (Portugal) Confronto Final
    Romanian Confruntarea finală
    Russian Последний бой
    Posledniy boy
    Spanish (LatAm) La hora de la verdad
    Spanish (Spain) Enfrentamiento final
    Swedish Sista striden
    Thai ประจันหน้าครั้งสุดท้าย
    Pracạn h̄n̂ā khrậng s̄udtĥāy
    Turkish Büyük Karşılaşma
    Vietnamese Màn đấu cuối cùng


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