The Time Machine, Sewers

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The Time Machine is a collection of three levels in MediEvil 2. It consists of The Time Machine, The Time Machine, Sewers and The Time Machine, the Ripper.

The Time Machine, Sewers
General information
Chalice No
Enemies Mullocks
Chronological information
Level number 13.[1]
Previous level The Time Machine
Next level The Time Machine, the Ripper
Wikipedia also has an article on

The Time Machine, Sewers is considered the game's thirteenth level.[1]


Book of London



In other languages

Language Name Meaning
French (France) La Machine à remonter le temps, les égouts -
German Zeitmaschine, Kanalisation -
Italian La Macchina del Tempo, Le Fogne -
Portuguese (Portugal) A Máquina do Tempo, Esgotos -
Russian Машина Времени, Канализационные Трубы
Mashina Vremeni, Kanalizatsionnyye Truby
The Time Machine, Sewer Pipes
Spanish (Spain) La Máquina del Tiempo, Alcantarillas -


  1. 1.0 1.1 MediEvil II: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Published by Dimension Publishing in 2000.


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