Old School Sneaky

Revision as of 22:51, 3 March 2024 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

Old School Sneaky is a secret trophy in the MediEvil remake.

Old School Sneaky
Description Attempt to perform any original game cheat code.
Trophy type
Hidden Yes
Prior trophy Sir Moneybags
Next trophy Impaired Drivers

How to unlock

Attempt to access the cheats by using NTSC or PAL cheat menu codes from the classic 1998 version. Japanese codes or codes from prototype versions won't work.

In other languages

The trophy names were left untranslated in six of the thirty PlayStation Network languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Indonesian, Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Language Name
Arabic غشاش قديم
ghashash qadim
Czech Záludný pamětník
Danish Old School-listig
Dutch Ouderwets trucje
Finnish Vanhan koulukunnan hiiviskelyä
French (Canada) Roublard à l'ancienne
French (France) Roublard à l'ancienne
German Schummler alter Schule
Greek Παλιομοδίτικες Ζαβολιές
Paliomodítikes Zavoliés
Hungarian Régimódi csaló
Italian Vecchia scuola
Japanese 昔ながらのインチキプレイ
Mukashinagara no inchikipurei
Norwegian Gamle gode triks
Polish Staroszkolny chytrus
Portuguese (Brazil) Truque das Antigas
Portuguese (Portugal) Batoteiro da velha guarda
Romanian Turnătorul de modă veche
Russian Хитрец старой закалки
Khitrets staroy zakalki
Spanish (LatAm) Viejo zorro
Spanish (Spain) Soplón de la vieja escuela
Swedish Gammeldagsmygel
Turkish Eski Kafalı Sinsi Kurt


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