
Genies were supernatural creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology.

Al-Zalam, a genie.
Behind the scenes information
Appears in MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection
MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019) (depiction only)
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According to the genie Al-Zalam, genies were often trapped in lamps, which was bad for them and their skin.[1][1.1] They were also allergic to cats, which led to "strokes of the cat" becoming a punishment for lying genies.[1.2]


It was said that a genie called Al-Zalam inhabited the head of Sir Dan after the evil sorcerer Zarok trapped him in there.[1] Whether this is true is disputed.

Known genies


  1. 1.0 1.1   MediEvil: Resurrection. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment on September 1, 2005.
    1. Al-Zalam: "We genies, usually we are trapped within the lamps. That is bad - and very oily for the skin..." in Dan's Crypt in   MediEvil: Resurrection. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment on September 1, 2005.
    2. Al-Zalam: "You imply that I lie? In my culture, that would earn you fifty strokes of the cat. And we are allergic to cats, so that is a terrible punishment…" in Dan's Crypt in   MediEvil: Resurrection. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment on September 1, 2005.


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