Elephant Dragons

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Elephant Dragons
Biographical information
AKA Elephantauruses[1]
Gameplay information
Soul type No soul
Behind the scenes information
Appears in

Elephant Dragons (Subaquaticus Pachydermis Draconis) were creatures found only in the lakes of Gallowmere. They were a crossbreed of dragons and elephants.[2][2.1]


Sir Dan saw these creatures after freezing the lake in the sunken town of Mellowmede. Only three of them were ever encountered and they could not be interacted with in any way. Another appeared as a topiary in the Asylum Grounds.


"I bet you've never seen an underwater Elephantaurus. Neither have I."
MediEvil: The Official Strategy Guide

The Elephant Dragons serve no real gameplay purpose and are merely a part of the game's worldbuilding.



  1. MediEvil: The Official Strategy Guide. Published by Dimension Publishing in 1998.
  2. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    1. Elephant Dragons entry in the Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.


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