Roast Chicken

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    (Redirected from Cooked Chicken)
    Roast Chicken
    Type Energy
    Requirement(s) Chicken Drumsticks
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil 2 MediEvil 2
    MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    It's Not Their Fault They're Mad Colonel Fortesque's Special Recipe
    Turn an enemy into a Roast Chicken and eat it.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    It's Not Their Fault They're Mad Colonel Fortesque's Special Recipe
    Turn an enemy into a Roasted Chicken and eat it.
    MediEvil: Resurrection
    Dan the Famished Dan the Famished
    Eat some Cooked Chicken.

    Roast Chicken, or Cooked Chicken, was a source of energy for Sir Daniel Fortesque.


    When Sir Dan throws a Chicken Drumstick at certain enemies, they will turn into Roast Chicken. The chicken disappears after a short amount of time if not picked up.

    MediEvil (1998 original)

    Roast Chicken heals 20 HP. When picked it up, a message saying "Used Roast Chicken." will appear.

    MediEvil 2

    Roast Chicken heals 20 HP like in the first game. However, unlike in the first game, the size of the roast chicken is based on the size of the enemy that was turned. This is purely visual and does not affect the amount of health the chicken heals.

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Cooked Chicken heals 50 HP, same as a Health Vial. A message saying "Eating Cooked Chicken" appears when it is picked up. Unlike in the other games, Cooked Chicken doesn't disappear until it is picked up.

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Roast Chicken heals 20 HP. Unlike in the original game, no message is displayed when it is eaten. This is despite the fact that several text strings exist for Roast Chicken in the game files.


    In other languages


    Language Official Name
    Arabic الدجاجة المشوية
    aldajajat almashwia
    Bulgarian Печено пиле
    Pecheno pile
    Croatian Pečeno pile
    Czech Pečené kuře
    Danish Stegt Kylling
    Dutch Gebraden kip
    Finnish Paistettu kana
    French (France) Poulet rôti
    German Brathähnchen
    Greek Ψητό Κοτόπουλο
    Psitó Kotópoulo
    Hungarian Sült csirke
    Italian Pollo arrosto
    Japanese ローストチキン
    Norwegian Grill kylling
    Polish Pieczony kurczak
    Portuguese (Brazil) Frango Assado
    Portuguese (Portugal) Frango assado
    Romanian Pui Fript
    Russian Жареная курица
    Zharenaya kuritsa
    Spanish (LatAm) Pollo asado
    Spanish (Spain) Pollo asado
    Swedish Stekt Kyckling
    Turkish Kızarmış Tavuk

    MediEvil 2

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Poulet rôti
    German Brathuhn
    Italian Pollo arrosto
    Portuguese (Portugal) Frango no churrasco
    Russian Жареная курица
    Zharenaya kuritsa
    Spanish (Spain) Pollo asado

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Poulet rôti
    German Gekochtes Hühnchen
    Italian Il pollo arrosto
    Spanish (Spain) Pollo frito


    Gaming Wiki Network