The Graveyard

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    The Graveyard
    General information
    Chalice Yes
    Enemies Zombies, Zombie Guards
    Music Home of the Dead
    Chronological information
    Level number 2.
    Previous level Dan's Crypt
    Next level Cemetery Hill
    Location on Land Map
    Cemetery Hill    
    Sir Daniel Fortesque
    Dan's Crypt
    Get Your Bearings Get Your Bearings
    Start the Graveyard level.
    Chalice of Souls Chalice of Souls
    Fill and obtain 7 Chalices.
    Chalice of Heroes Chalice of Heroes
    Fill and obtain 15 Chalices.
    Dan the Invincible Dan the Invincible
    Finish a level outside of Dan's Crypt and Gallowmere Plains without taking damage.
    "The Graveyard. You wouldn't catch me digging graves in MY yard. Spoils the ambience."
    ― Loading screen narration

    The Graveyard is the second level in MediEvil: Resurrection.


    Dan's Private Journal entry


    Zarok apparently is still in the area so I'm up and at 'em. Al's jabbering away in my ear, but my jaw's gone missing so I can't even tell him to put a lid on it.

    Found a rather tasty sword and shield. I've still got the old moves, I can tell you! Have at you! Jumpin Jiminy!

    Got into a scrap with some zombie chappies. Tried to tell them I was no good to them, what with the old brain having rotted away with the passing of the years, but they were all over me like a cheap tunic. Had to literally fight my way across the Cemetery. So much for my hope that there might be some sort of all-in-this-together camaraderie amongst the undead community.

    The Voodoo Witch's fortune

    "Me see a DAMP and DISMAL place, fulla mists and suchlike. Either dat, or me crystal BALL needs CLEANIN'. No! Wait! It full of GRAVES! My HEYE is CAPTURED by a magnificent statue. It gazes on a multitude of treasures. She points the way forward for a BONY BWOY such as yerself."
    The Voodoo Witch


    Main article: Books in MediEvil: Resurrection


    No access to Sleeping Village.
    Gates secured with a locking spell by order of Lord Zarok.
    Return to your hovels and await thy doom.


    Congratulations, you may have already won a free trip to the Hall of Heroes.
    To claim free admittance simply collect souls from vanquished enemies in this beautiful golden chalice. Once the chalice is full you can redeem your prize by visiting the Hall of Heroes.
    Free gift with every visit!
    There are many other chalice to find and collect. Don't delay, start killing today!

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Le Cimetière
    German Der Friedhof
    Italian Cimitero
    Spanish (Spain) El Cementerio

    See also


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