MediEvil Dengeki Demo

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    (Redirected from MediEvil Late Japanese Demo)
    MediEvil Dengeki Demo
    Developer(s) SCEE Cambridge Studio
    Publisher(s) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
    Platform(s) PlayStation
    Release date August 20, 1999[1]
    Previous demo MediEvil Japanese Demo

    The MediEvil Dengeki Demo is a demo version of MediEvil released exclusively in Japan on August 20, 1999. The demo has only one known release: Dengeki PlayStation D21 SCE Special released with Dengeki PlayStation D Vol. 114.[1] Files on the disc suggest that the demo finished development around May 14, 1999, making it two days newer than the full Japanese version of the game.


    The demo only contains two levels, much like the other Japanese Demo. However, this demo version is unique; it is comprised of The Haunted Ruins and The Ghost Ship levels.

    Starting equipment

    Dan begins the demo with the Small Sword equipped. He also has an unenchanted (0%) Broad Sword, the Magic Sword, a Club, the Hammer, 100 Throwing Daggers, the Axe, the Crossbow with 150 bolts, the Longbow, Flaming Longbow, and Magic Longbow with 100 arrows each,[a] and 30 Spears in his inventory. This means Dan must have collected 15 Chalices by this point, meaning he missed one Chalice.

    Additionally, Dan has no gold and only three Life Bottles.


    Language(s) Japanese
    Primary Volume Descriptor
    Volume Identifier PCPX_96159
    Volume Creation Date 1999/06/10
    Volume Creation Time 12:33:13
    Creation Date Friday, 14th May 1999.
    Creation Time 06:39:02
    Creation Date Friday, 14th May 1999.
    Creation Time 14:21:14

    The Dengeki PlayStation D21 SCE Special (電撃プレイステーションD21 SCE スペシャル) demo disc contains the only known release of the MediEvil Dengeki Demo. It also features a trailer for the game.

    File listing

    The time zone for the following list of files is UTC+0.

    Main directory

    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:27                DOKODEMO
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:27                LMPS
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:28                MEDIEVIL
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:28                MOVIE
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:30                PANEKIT
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:30                RYOURI
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:30                TOMARUN
    --r---        05/11/1997     17:33          38912 BRIDGE.EXE
    --r---        04/05/1999     09:55       28000000 DFILE.DM
    --r---        10/06/1999     04:14         755712 KERNEL.EXE
    --r---        31/05/1999     11:40         575488 PCPX_961.59
    --r---        28/05/1999     08:00             68 SYSTEM.CNF
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d-----        10/06/1999     04:28                OVERLAYS
    --r---        13/05/1999     01:56       15429164 JDEMO.STR
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:39         845824 MEDIEVIL.EXE
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:21       13113344 MEDRES.MWD
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          52204 AC.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          38104 AG.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          41348 CC.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          24992 CH.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31           6260 CR.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          13280 CREDITS.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          56928 DC.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          59356 EE.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          12428 EH.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          12932 GG.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          37576 GS.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          18172 GY1.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          41176 GY2.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          48520 HH.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          51144 HR.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          22456 IA.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          30452 LA.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          19872 LANDMAP.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          23400 PD.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          37920 PG.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          52852 PS.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          53108 SF.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          52616 SV.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          55660 TD.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31          38394 TL.BIN
    --r---        14/05/1999     06:31           3380 ZL.BIN
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    --r---        12/05/1999     11:36       66796844 DOKO.STR
    --r---        11/05/1999     02:47       32140124 GOLF2.STR
    --r---        06/05/1999     15:42       12004652 MDK.STR
    --r---        09/04/1999     11:44       29992748 MEDI.STR
    --r---        23/05/1999     19:00       85932716 WATER.STR

    See also


    1. It is worth noting that it is normally impossible for Dan to carry 100 magic arrows due to the maximum capacity for those being 50.


    1. 1.0 1.1 Dengeki PlayStation D Issue 114 on Retromags - The Vintage Video Game Magazine Archive. Retrieved July 9, 2023.

    External links


    Gaming Wiki Network