Kardok's sister

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Kardok's sister
No official depiction of the subject exists.
Biographical information
Gender Female
Family Lord Kardok (brother)
Behind the scenes information
Appears in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (mentioned only)

As a child, Lord Kardok's sister was allowed to attend clogging lessons by her parents.[1][1.1] However, they did not allow her brother to attend said lessons, which may have led to him becoming a warrior and joining forces with the evil sorcerer Zarok later in life. Not much else is known about Kardok's sister's later life.


  1. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    1. Lord Kardok entry in the Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.


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