The Forest Witch

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    The Forest Witch
    Biographical information
    AKA Emelda[1][1.1]
    Gender Female
    Family The Pumpkin Witch (alleged sister)
    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    Witches' Familiar Witches' Familiar
    Collect the Witch Talisman and complete both witch quests.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    Witches' Familiar Witches' Familiar
    Collect the Witch Talisman and complete both witch quests.

    Emelda, more commonly known as the Forest Witch, was a witch residing in the Enchanted Earth. Emelda was fond of rubies, sapphires, diamonds, amber and offered rewards for gems. She was also keen on ants' nests and liked to give abuse to cowards, such as Sir Dan.


    Before the Evernight

    Emelda used to be part of the infamous Cemetery Hill coven. However, she was ostracized by her sisters when she refused to stop using the communal cauldron to prepare her notoriously pungent lunchtime brews, prompting her to move to the Enchanted Earth.[1.1]

    Some accounts claim Emelda was responsible for sealing away the Shadow Demons after the Battle of Gallowmere.[2][2.1]

    During the Evernight

    Canonical account

    After being summoned by Dan using the Witch Talisman, Emelda asked him to find seven pieces of amber for her in the ants' nest. When Dan returned with the amber, she rewarded him with the Chicken Drumsticks.

    Apocryphal account

    According to some sources, the Forest Witch was the sister of the Pumpkin Witch, whom she plotted revenge against. She was also supposedly the guardian of the path to the 'Shadow Demon Gate.' She did not show much hostility towards Dan and asked him to find four Faerie Fungi for her. She then allegedly gave him a Butterfly Net to catch the fairies that have the fungi. She finally opened the passage to the Shadow Demon tomb for Dan after he completed her request.




    The Witch Talisman is required in order to summon her. This can be done in front of the cauldron found in the forest. If her quest is rejected, she cannot be summoned again until Dan leaves the Enchanted Earth. In the 2019 remake, her section of the forest will become inaccessible after enough progress is made in the Enchanted Earth level.

    Upon successfully completing her quest by finding amber in The Ant Caves, she will reward Dan with Chicken Drumsticks.

    Despite what she says, she does not offer her quest only once. The quest can be replayed in order to gain additional Chicken Drumsticks.

    Book of Gallowmere

    Once part of the infamous Cemetery Hill coven, Emelda was ostracised by her sisters when she refused to stop using the communal cauldron to prepare her notoriously pungent lunchtime brews.

    She now resides in the Enchanted Earth, where no one complains. Or at least if they do, she just turns them into a toad... and seriously, do NOT lick those toads.[1.1]

    Behind the scenes


    MediEvil (1999 Japanese original)

    In the Japanese version of MediEvil, The Forest Witch's hands were updated with an extra digit each, as she previously only had four fingers on each hand. In Japan, the number four can be pronounced the same way as the word for death (shi), making it an unlucky number. Additionally, Japan has a class of people suffering from discrimination known as the burakumin who worked in professions such as meat packing. They became associated with having four fingers due to work-related accidents. Later, a four-fingered hand gesture directed at another person came to mean that you were calling them burakumin. Depicting characters with four fingers thus became a sensitive issue in Japan.[3]

    Original version Japanese version
    MediEvil1998-ForestWitchHands.png MediEvil1999-ForestWitchHands.png


    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic ساحرة الغابة
    sahirat alghaba
    Bulgarian Горска вещица
    Gorska veshtitsa
    Croatian Šumska vještica
    Czech Lesní čarodějnice
    Danish Skovheksen
    Dutch Woudheks
    Finnish Metsänoita
    French (France) Sorcière de la Forêt
    German Waldhexe
    Greek Η Μάγισσα του Δάσους
    I Mágissa tou Dásous
    Hungarian Erdei boszorkány
    Italian Strega della foresta
    Japanese 森の魔女
    Mori no majo
    Norwegian Skogsheks
    Polish Leśna Wiedźma
    Portuguese (Brazil) Bruxa da Floresta
    Portuguese (Portugal) Bruxa da Floresta
    Romanian Vrăjitoarea Pădurii
    Russian Лесная ведьма
    Lesnaya ved'ma
    Spanish (LatAm) Bruja del bosque
    Spanish (Spain) Bruja del bosque
    Swedish Skogshäxan
    Turkish Orman Cadısı

    See also


    1. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
      1. 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 Forest Witch entry in the Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    2. MediEvil MediEvil NAVIGATION BOOK. Published by Sony Magazines Deluxe on July 20, 1999.
      1. "かつて、 その強大な魔力でザロック軍の魔物た ちを封印した。
        (In the past, she sealed away the demons of Zarok's army with her mighty magic.)"
        — Page 6 of MediEvil MediEvil NAVIGATION BOOK. Published by Sony Magazines Deluxe on July 20, 1999.
    3. FAQ - OTHER on Oddworld Inhabitants. Retrieved January 8, 2025.


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