Mullock Chief

PLEASE NOTE: The subject of this article originates from MediEvil: Resurrection, which is considered apocryphal, i.e. to be outside of the accepted canon. See GP:CANON for more information.

The Mullock Chief was one of the holders of the Anubis Stone after the Battle of Gallowmere in 1286. Death knew that the Chief was buried with the piece and disclosed this information to Sir Dan who dug it out using a spade soon after.

Mullock Chief
Biographical information
Gender Male
Behind the scenes information
Appears in
"By the sandals of the wandering hippy! The famous Mullock Chief's memorial!"
Al-Zalam, upon seeing the memorial.


In other languages

Language Name
French (France) Chef Mullock
German Mullock-Häuptlings
Italian Capo Mullock
Spanish (Spain) Jefe Mullock


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