Stained Glass Demon

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    (Redirected from Stain Glass Demon)
    Stained Glass Demon
    Biographical information
    AKA Master of the Mausoleum
    Died 1386
    Gallowmere, Britain
    Gameplay information
    Soul type No soul
    Health 500 HP
    Drop on defeat Skull Key
    Next boss(es) Guardians of the Graveyard
    MediEvil: Resurrection
    Health 1060 HP
    Drop on defeat Stain Glass Key
    Next boss(es) Stone Wolves
    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    A Paneful Demise A Paneful Demise
    Defeat the Stained Glass Demon in the Hilltop Mausoleum.
    Not So Armless Not So Armless
    Defeat Stained Glass Demon with just your arm.
    MediEvil: Resurrection
    Glass Heart Glass Heart
    Defeat the Stain Glass Demon.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    A Paneful Demise A Paneful Demise
    Defeat the Stained Glass Demon in the Hilltop Mausoleum.
    Not So Armless Not So Armless
    Defeat Stained Glass Demon with just your arm.

    The Stained Glass Demon (shattered 1386) was the master fiend of the Hilltop Mausoleum. It was the first of Zarok's minions faced by Sir Daniel Fortesque.


    The Stained Glass Demon was the master of the Hilltop Mausoleum during Zarok's second conquest of Gallowmere in 1386. It held the Skull Key that opened the Skull Gates leading to the world of the living. It convened with Zarok shortly after Sir Daniel Fortesque's resurrection in order to hatch evil plots.

    By the time Sir Dan arrived in the mausoleum, the demon was dormant, its frozen heart resting in the catacombs beneath. After Sir Dan shattered the frozen heart, the demon awoke and fought the knight. It was swiftly defeated and Sir Dan looted the Skull Key from its shattered remains.




    Most likely, Dan has taken the long road to reach this multicoloured menace. He should have both the Crossbow and the Throwing Daggers in his inventory. Of the pair, the Crossbow is stronger, though not by much. Its semi-auto fire will compensate for the lack of power.

    300 HP might not seem like much, but this will be a tough fight out of the gate. The Demon's glass heart is its only weak spot, and it does not expose the heart unless it needs to draw energy in. The demon will jump, strafe, and throw arcing waves of glass shards at Dan that the latter can either deflect, jump over or pass between before the demon tires, at which point it hovers in place to refuel. As its HP drop, it begins to fire streams of glass shards directly at Dan or otherwise attempts to ensnare him in a crushing glass cage, which should be destroyed quickly. Target and strike the exposed heart before it explodes. If Dan runs out of daggers or breaks the Copper Shield, more of each will drop into the arena regularly. Repeat until it falls and shatters. Take the Skull Key it drops, then exit.

    In other languages


    Language Official Name
    Arabic ”شيطان الزجاج المُلوّث”
    "shaytan alzujaj almulwwth"
    Bulgarian Демон от Изрисуваното стъкло
    Demon ot Izrisuvanoto stŭklo
    Croatian Demon Vitraja
    Czech Démon z vitráže
    Danish Mosaikdæmon
    Dutch Glas-in-lood-demon
    Finnish Lasimaalausdemoni
    French (France) Démon Vitrail
    German Buntglasdämon
    Greek Ο Δαίμονας του Βιτρό
    O Daímonas tou Vitró
    Hungarian Ólomüveg démon
    Italian Demone della vetrata
    Japanese ステンドグラス・デーモン
    Sutendogurasu dēmon
    Norwegian Glassmaleridemon
    Polish Demon z witraża
    Portuguese (Brazil) Demônio do Vitral
    Portuguese (Portugal) Demónio do Vitral
    Romanian Diavolul Vitraliilor
    Russian Витражный демон
    Vitrazhnyy demon
    Spanish (LatAm) Demonio del vitral
    Spanish (Spain) Demonio de la vidriera
    Swedish Glasdemonen
    Turkish Vitray İblis

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Demon de Vitrail
    German Buntglasdämon
    Italian Demone di vetro
    Spanish (Spain) El demonio de crystal


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