Bearded Ladies

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    Bearded Lady
    Biographical information
    AKA Fat Bearded Woman
    Gameplay information
    Soul type Minor Evil
    Health 110 HP[1]
    Damage dealt[1][2] Belly shove: 24 HP
    Sharpness 6 Weight 6 Fire 6 Magic 6

    Bellyflop: 48 HP
    Sharpness 12 Weight 12 Fire 12 Magic 12

    Damage taken[1] Sharpness Three eighths (0.375x)

    Weight Standard (1x)

    Fire Standard (1x)

    Magic Half more (1.5x)

    Entity FS_FBW
    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in

    Bearded Ladies were a part of the Freakshow in London in 1886.



    Bearded Ladies were obese women with their ginger hair tied up in a bun, and a big pink bow on their head. They also had bushy ginger beards and handlebar moustaches. They were dressed in pink leotards, with a tutu around their waists and pink slippers on their feet. Due to their immense size, they waddled around. They did not appear to be undead, although they did bleed green blood when attacked.



    Bearded Ladies use their big bellies to push Dan around. If Dan attacks them, they will instead bellyflop the ground, creating shockwaves much like those caused by the Hammer's powered up secondary attack.

    When attacking, Bearded Ladies shriek with maniacal laughter, and make similar sounds when attacked. If defeated with the hammer, they will be squashed. If defeated with another weapon, they will fall backwards, gracefully leaping into the air and thudding to the ground before disappearing.

    It is possible to knock the ladies into the water using the Daring Dash, but this is not advised since it's easy for Dan to slip in too.

    They are often found perched on top of the Freakshow trailers and will leap down to attack Dan when he comes within range. If Dan gets cornered by multiple Bearded Ladies, they will all try to attack at once. This may cause a glitch where they seem to lose their sense of direction.

    When left undisturbed they perform a repetitive exercise, rocking back and forth and stretching their arms and legs. Once they spot Dan they let out a shriek of laughter and begin to waddle after him relentlessly.

    In the circus tent with the second Magician, there are four Bearded Ladies perched on stalls at either side. They will not attack until Dan begins to confront the Magician.

    Weapon damage table

    Damage table for Bearded Ladies[1]
    Weapon Attack Damage
    Small Sword Main attack (swing) 11 HP
    Main attack (stab) 14 HP
    Secondary attack 8 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 22 HP
    Broad Sword Main attack (swing) 20 HP
    Main attack (stab) 24 HP
    Secondary attack 15 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 44 HP
    Broad Sword (Enchanted) Main attack (swing) 40 HP
    Main attack (stab) 48 HP
    Secondary attack 30 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 88 HP
    Magic Sword Main attack (swing) 71 HP
    Main attack (stab) 81 HP
    Secondary attack 57 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 146 HP
    Cane Stick Main attack 13 HP
    Secondary attack 11 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 54 HP
    Hammer Main / Secondary attack 64 HP
    Secondary attack (charged; releases shockwaves) 128 HP
    Axe Main attack 26 HP
    Secondary attack 36 HP
    Pistol Main attack 10 HP
    Crossbow Main attack 10 HP
    Flaming Crossbow Main attack (also applies burn) 10 HP
    Gatling Gun Main attack (point blank) 14 HP
    Main attack (at distance) 7 HP
    Lightning Main attack 35 HP
    Secondary attack (charged) 70 HP
    Blunderbuss Main attack (point blank) 151 HP
    Main attack (at distance) 17 HP
    Bombs Main attack 124 HP
    Arm Main attack 5 HP
    Secondary attack 12 HP
    Torch Main / secondary attack 4 HP
    Main / secondary attack (on fire; applies burn) 20 HP
    Effect Weapon(s) Damage
    Burn Torch (when lit), Flaming Crossbow 4 X 15 HP
    Shockwaves Hammer (charged attack) 16 X 4 HP

    Behind the scenes


    The original bearded lady design.

    Bearded Ladies underwent a significant design change. Their original concept art shows them having pale grey skin, green hair, and much smaller beards. Their costume is also much more theatrical, featuring an arrow going through their hair, a mask concealing their eyes and nose, black gloves on their hands and black shoes in a similar style on their feet. They wore pink corsets with white undergarments showing in the belly area.

    A model based on this concept art was implemented into the game, as it can be seen in the BeliEve trailer shown at ECTS 1999:



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