Pumpkin Key

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PLEASE NOTE: The subject of this article originates from MediEvil: Resurrection, which is considered apocryphal, i.e. to be outside of the accepted canon. See GP:CANON for more information.
Pumpkin Key
Icon Pumpkin Key
Type Key
Found in Pumpkin Gorge
Given by Gorge Farmer
Used in Pumpkin Gorge
Appears in MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection

The Pumpkin Key opened the grand pumpkin gate granting access into further areas of the Pumpkin Gorge. It was kept by the Gorge Farmer.


When Sir Dan arrived in the gorge, the Gorge Farmer was trapped inside a building by pumpkin vines. Dan had to find a way to free the farmer. Once rescued, the farmer gave Sir Dan the Pumpkin Key. Dan used it to get past the grand pumpkin gate where he found the Pumpkin Witch and the Pumpkin King.



"This pretty little key is formed from petrified pumpkin, and as such must never be lost; else it would take millions of years to replace! It opens the grand pumpkin gate which leads through to the Witch's camp and the evil Pumpkin King's garden. The key can normally be found in the safekeeping of the gorge farmer."


In other languages

Language Name
French (France) Clé potiron
German Kürbisschlüssel
Italian Chiave delle zucche
Spanish (Spain) Llave Calabaza


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