Landlord's Bust

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    Landlord's Bust
    Icon(s) MediEvil1998-Inventory-LandlordsBustIcon.png MediEvilResurrection-LandlordBust-Icon.png
    AKA Landlord Bust
    Flavour text Face-melting metal.
    Type Item / Artifact
    Requirement(s) Earth Rune
    Made in The Sleeping Village (PSP)
    Used in The Sleeping Village (PSP)
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
    "Bust of Mr. Shanks, Landlord of the Troll's Head. To clean the statue, lower the pedestal."
    ― A note about the bust.

    The Landlord's Bust was a bust of the landlord of Troll's Head, Mr Shanks.


    The bust can be found inside the Troll's Head pub in The Sleeping Village level. To reach Troll's Head, Sir Dan first has to find the Moon Rune (Star Rune in MediEvil: Resurrection) inside one of the town's houses. Then, he needs to head into the basement of a store through which he can enter into the Troll's Head basement. The bust is on the ground floor of the pub, but high up on a pedestal. To lower the pedestal, Dan has to find another rune inside the Troll's Head, then return to the basement to unlock the section with the pedestal lever.

    After claiming the bust, Sir Dan needs to take it to the smithy along with the Crucifix Cast to make a new Crucifix for the town church.

    In other languages

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Known as the Landlord Bust in the game.

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Buste du tenancier
    German Büste des Wirts
    Italian Busto dell'oste
    Spanish (Spain) Busto del casero

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Known as the Landlord's Bust in the game.

    Language Official Name
    Arabic تمثال المالك
    timthal almalik
    Bulgarian Бюст на хазаина
    Byust na khazaina
    Croatian Vlasnikova bista
    Czech Podobizna hostinského
    Danish Buste af pubejer
    Dutch Buste van de waard
    Finnish Isännän rintakuva
    French (France) Buste du tenancier
    German Büste des Wirts
    Greek Η Προτομή του Ιδιοκτήτη
    I Protomí tou Idioktíti
    Hungarian Háziúr mellszobra
    Italian Busto del padrone
    Japanese 主人の胸像
    Shujin no kyōzō
    Norwegian Byste av pubeier
    Polish Popiersie właściciela gospody
    Portuguese (Brazil) Busto do Proprietário
    Portuguese (Portugal) Busto do senhorio
    Romanian Bustul Hangiului
    Russian Бюст владельца
    Byust vladel'tsa
    Spanish (LatAm) Busto del dueño de la taberna
    Spanish (Spain) Busto del propietario
    Swedish Markägarens Byst
    Turkish Hancının Büstü


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