Sir Schmidt the Hermit

Sir Schmidt the Hermit was one of nineteen lost souls trapped inside a chest by Zarok the Sorcerer. Sir Dan freed him and laid him to rest.

Sir Schmidt the Hermit
Flavour text House on Pumpkin Hill
Type Lost Soul
Gender Male
Found in Inside the Asylum
Used in Pumpkin Gorge
Appears in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
Lost and Found Lost and Found
Find all the Lost Souls.
Soul Savior Soul Savior
Lay all the Lost Souls to rest.
"My wonderful tower has been invaded by Shadow Demons. How did those horrible beasts get free? Who could have done such a thing?"
― Sir Schmidt the Hermit, Lost Soul



Sir Schmidt the Hermit can be found inside the Asylum, inside the Town Mayor's cell.

Laying to rest

"Those stubborn Shadow Beasts are back. I just want them to leave me alone!"
― Sir Schmidt, upon being brought to the correct place.

Dan must travel to the Pumpkin Gorge. Dan must walk up the spiraling ramp to the small hut at the top and unleash the soul. Shadow Demons will appear, and the dark creatures must all be vanquished.

"Thank you, Sir Dan. You are a true hero. Please find whoever freed those Shadow Demons and bring them to justice!"
― Sir Schmidt, shortly before being laid to rest.

Behind the scenes


This lost soul is named after Bill Schmidt, a designer on the remake.

In other languages

Language Official Name
Arabic السير "شميت" الناسك
alsayr "shmit" alnaasik
Bulgarian Сър Шмид Отшелника
Sŭr Shmid Otshelnika
Croatian Sir Schmidt Pustinjak
Czech Sir Schmidt, poustevník
Danish Eneboeren Sir Eskil
Dutch Heer Schmidt de kluizenaar
Finnish Erakko Sir Schmidt
French (France) Sir Schmidt l'Ermite
German Sir Dieter der Einsiedler
Greek Σερ Schmidt ο Ερημίτης
Ser Schmidt o Erimítis
Hungarian Sir Schmidt, a remete
Italian Sir Schmidt l'eremita
Japanese 隠者のシュミット卿
Inja no Shumitto kyō
Norwegian Eremitten Sir Schmidt
Polish Sir Schmidt Pustelnik
Portuguese (Brazil) Sir Schmidt, o Eremita
Portuguese (Portugal) Sir Schmidt, o Eremita
Romanian Sir Schmidt Sihastrul
Russian Сэр Шмит, отшельник
Ser Shmit, otshel'nik
Spanish (LatAm) Sir Schmidt, el ermitaño
Spanish (Spain) Sir Schmidt, el Eremita
Swedish Eremiten Sir Schmidt
Turkish Münzevi Sör Schmidt


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