Soul Helmet

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    Soul Helmet
    Icon(s) MediEvil1998-Inventory-SoulHelmetIcon.png
    Flavour text Old-school umbrella.
    Type Item
    Found in Pools Of The Ancient Dead
    Used in Pools Of The Ancient Dead
    Given to The Boat Man
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
    "Look, if you help me gather up a boatload of eight lost souls and bring them here, I'll drop you off at the sunken town of Mellowmede - how's that sound?"
    The Boat Man, MediEvil

    A Soul Helmet was a representation of a lost soul in the sunken battlefield of the Pools Of The Ancient Dead.


    Sir Dan has to collect eight Soul Helmets for the Boat Man. They can be found in the Pools Of The Ancient Dead level. When they are picked up, various bad things can happen, such as bridges disappearing or gates slamming shut with enemies spawning. As a reward for collecting them all, the Boat Man rows Dan to the sunken town of Mellowmede.

    Behind the scenes

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Soul Helmets don't appear in MediEvil: Resurrection's version of the level. Instead, Sir Dan has to find Mechadeath Parts.

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic خوذة الروح
    khudhat alruwh
    Bulgarian Шлем на душата
    Shlem na dushata
    Croatian Kaciga duše
    Czech Přilba duší
    Danish Sjælehjelm
    Dutch Zielenhelm
    Finnish Sielukypärä
    French (France) Casque d'âme
    German Seelenhelm
    Greek Κράνος Ψυχής
    Krános Psychís
    Hungarian Léleksisak
    Italian Elmo delle anime
    Japanese 魂の兜
    Tamashī no kabuto
    Norwegian Sjelhjelm
    Polish Hełm duszy
    Portuguese (Brazil) Capacete de Almas
    Portuguese (Portugal) Capacete das Almas
    Romanian Coiful Sufletului
    Russian Шлем душ
    Shlem dush
    Spanish (LatAm) Casco de almas
    Spanish (Spain) Casco de las almas
    Swedish Själahjälm
    Turkish Ruh Miğfer


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