
    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    Icon(s) MediEvil1998-Inventory-AmberIcon.png
    Flavour text Honey money.
    Type Item
    Found in The Ant Caves
    Dropped by Ant Larvae
    Given to Witch of the Forest
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
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    "In truth I am glad to see you Sir Fortesque: I need 7 pieces of amber that are hidden in the ants' nest. Bring them to me and I can grant you a special reward!"
    The Forest Witch makes a request of Sir Daniel Fortesque.

    Amber was fossilized tree resin. It was desired by the Forest Witch who lived in the Enchanted Earth in Gallowmere.


    14th century

    While visiting the Enchanted Earth, Sir Daniel Fortesque, the Hero of Gallowmere, used his Witch Talisman to summon the Forest Witch. She presented him with a quest to venture into the Ants' nest in order to collect seven pieces of amber. Dan accepted, after which she shrank him to the size of an insect. Once he returned from the nest with amber in tow, the Witch rewarded him with the Chicken Drumsticks.


    Sir Dan is tasked with collecting seven pieces of amber by the Witch of the Forest after summoning her with the Witch Talisman. Amber can be found in The Ant Caves level accessed by accepting the Witch's quest. If Dan collects seven pieces, the Witch rewards him with Chicken Drumsticks. He won't be rewarded at all if he fails to collect seven.

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic كهرمان
    Bulgarian Кехлибар
    Croatian Jantar
    Czech Jantar
    Danish Rav
    Dutch Amber
    Finnish Meripihka
    French (France) Ambre
    German Bernstein
    Greek Κεχριμπάρι
    Hungarian Borostyán
    Italian Ambra
    Japanese 琥珀
    Norwegian Rav
    Polish Bursztyn
    Portuguese (Brazil) Âmbar
    Portuguese (Portugal) Âmbar
    Romanian Chihlimbar
    Russian Янтарь
    Spanish (LatAm) Ámbar
    Spanish (Spain) Ámbar
    Swedish Bärnsten
    Turkish Kehribar


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