Mecha Imps

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    (Redirected from Wicker Man)
    Mecha Imp
    Biographical information
    AKA Metal Machine[1]
    MetalScarecrow Machine[2][2.1]
    Gameplay information
    Soul type Major Evil[3]
    Health 200 HP (head and body altogether)[3]
    Damage dealt[3] Contact: 18 HP
    Sharpness 18 Weight 0 Fire 0 Magic 0

    Fireball: 8 HP
    Sharpness 0 Weight 0 Fire 8 Magic 0

    Damage taken[3] Sharpness Standard (1x)

    Weight Standard (1x)

    Fire Standard (1x)

    Magic Standard (1x)

    Entity SfWickermanHead
    MediEvil: Resurrection
    Health 800 HP[3]
    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in
    Impaired Drivers Impaired Drivers
    Defeat both Mecha Imps and their taunting Imp pilots.
    "Beware of mischief makers in metal machines! Who knows what dark sorcery brings their metal limbs to life! It would be good to see the back of such menaces!"
    ― A book in the Scarecrow Fields.

    Mecha Imps were huge robots that were built by the Imps to steal the crops in the Scarecrow Fields.



    Canonical account

    Mecha Imps were tall, humanoid metal machines constructed and controlled by Imps. They had a mobile head that could turn to face their target. Their backs were exposed, revealing the control centre where an Imp used levers to move the machine. At the front of their torso was a small window allowing the controlling Imp to see what's ahead.

    Apocryphal account

    Some sources indicate that there was a bumper sticker on their back that read "Stomp U".


    Mecha Imps could walk and spin around. Their heads could turn 360 degrees like that of an owl. Additionally, they could spit fireballs at their target.



    As suggested by their name, Mecha Imps are huge robots controlled by Imps. You must first shoot the head of the monster with a ranged weapon, preferably the Crossbow. After you destroy its head, you have to face its back and shoot the Imp that controls it from behind. Beware, though, the robot can spin in place and the head spits fire!

    MediEvil (1998 original)


    The body of the Mecha Imps has two animations. The head doesn't have any animations and turns using code instead.

    Official Strategy Guide entry

    These mechanized contraptions are a bit menacing at first. Their heads shoot balls of fire at you and, if you get caught between their legs, you're sure to lose some precious life energy. The trick to felling these "Goliaths" is to dash underneath them (between their legs) right away and first shoot out the head with a projectile weapon, then go for the puny little Imp who's revealed operating the controls in its back. Eight or nine hits on each will bring them down with a bang.[1]

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    An Adventurer's Guide to Monsters entry

    Imps have always had a chip on their shoulder about their lass than imposing stature, but surely the creation of 40 feet high robot representatives is a bit of an overreaction. Still, no one can argue with the effectiveness of such a beast (complete with metallic stomping boots and fireball attack). The key to bringing these unwieldy creatures down is to dart through their legs and shoot out their metal heads. Once done, the adventurer's focus must switch to the pesky imp operators themselves. If one keeps hitting this annoying blighter at the controls the Mecha will eventually be felled with a satisfying ker- thump, good riddance![4][4.1]

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Book of Gallowmere entry

    Industrious thieving Imps built these powerful machines to steal crops from the farmers. I think they'd do better mass producing these things and selling 'em to the farmers, but hey - thieves gotta thieve.[5][5.1]

    Behind the scenes


    Originally, Mecha Imps were conceptualised as wicker men. This iteration of Mecha Imps can still be seen in the MediEvil Rolling Demo as well as the MediEvil ECTS Pre-Alpha.[6][7] They are nearly the same in appearance, except they have an opening at the front and are not metallic but wooden. This pre-release version stays in place, shooting fireballs at Dan as well as releasing crows from their torsos in a fashion similar to the scarecrows. They can be defeated by shooting their head just like in the final game. Doing so will award Dan with 100 points.[6][7]

    Evolution of the Mecha Imps


    Main article: Images of Mecha Imps

    In other languages

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Mecalutins
    German Mecha-Kobolde
    Italian Folletti meccanici
    Spanish (Spain) Mega diablillos

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Language Official Name
    Arabic العفاريت الآلية
    aleafarit alalya
    Bulgarian Механични дяволчета
    Mekhanichni dyavolcheta
    Croatian Mehanički vražići
    Czech Trpastroj
    Danish Gnomrobotter
    Dutch Mecha-monsters
    Finnish Pikkupiru-mechat
    French (France) Méca-diablotins
    German Mecha-Kobolde
    Greek Μηχανοδαιμόνια
    Hungarian Gépimpek
    Italian Demonietti meccanici
    Japanese ロボットインプ
    Norwegian Maskingnomer
    Polish Mechaniczne chochliki
    Portuguese (Brazil) Diabretes Mecânicos
    Portuguese (Portugal) Diabretes Mecânicos
    Romanian Drăcușori Mecanici
    Russian Технобесенята
    Spanish (LatAm) Mecagoblins
    Spanish (Spain) Robodiablillos
    Swedish Mekaniska Otyg
    Turkish Meka İmpler

    See also


    1. 1.0 1.1 MediEvil: The Official Strategy Guide. Published by Dimension Publishing in 1998.
    2. MediEvil MediEvil NAVIGATION BOOK. Published by Sony Magazines Deluxe on July 20, 1999.
      1. Page 25 of MediEvil MediEvil NAVIGATION BOOK. Published by Sony Magazines Deluxe on July 20, 1999.
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Original research by Dan's Friend.
    4. MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment on September 1, 2005.
      1. An Adventurer's Guide to Monsters in MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment on September 1, 2005.
    5. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
      1. Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    6. 6.0 6.1 MediEvil Rolling Demo. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment in September 1997.
    7. 7.0 7.1 MediEvil ECTS Pre-Alpha. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment in September 1997.


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