Silver Wood Spiders

Revision as of 23:11, 21 September 2023 by DansFriend (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Cut content}} {{Infobox character |image = MediEvilECTSPreAlpha-Spider.png |appearances = {{Appearances|medievil1998= *The Silver Wood }} }} '''Spiders''' are enemies that were set to appear in The Silver Wood level of the original ''MediEvil (1998)''. They likely would have appeared in the cobweb tunnel section of the level. However, the level was cut and they were not reused in any other level. While the spiders are not properly implemented, they can b...")
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PLEASE NOTE: This page refers to content that is not present in the final versions of the game due to being cut, removed or repurposed.

Spiders are enemies that were set to appear in The Silver Wood level of the original MediEvil. They likely would have appeared in the cobweb tunnel section of the level. However, the level was cut and they were not reused in any other level.

Silver Wood Spiders
Behind the scenes information
Appears in

While the spiders are not properly implemented, they can be found in the files of the MediEvil ECTS Pre-Alpha. They have six animations: a walking animation, an idle animation, two attack animations, an animation for taking damage, and a death animation.



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