Book of Gallowmere

Revision as of 10:10, 7 August 2020 by historia>ZanyDragon

The Book of Gallowmere is an item available to Dan in the MediEvil remake.

Book of Gallowmere
Found in Dan's inventory
"A bestiary for beasts and non-beasts alike."

Description and usage

The book contains information about the denizens of Gallowmere; the friendlies, enemies, and bosses Dan has encountered. An entry is obtained after first interacting with a denizen. This ranges from talking to defeating them in battle.


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Sir Daniel Fortesque

Our bone-headed protagonist, born again into this Age of Wonders! In life he was just the worst: a coward, a cheat, a philatelist (or was it a philanderer... I don't recall). But either way, he seems to have woken up... different?

Perhaps he can redeem himself? Zarok should be more careful where he aims his dark magic.

Morten the Earthworm

Morten was so happy when Dan died. Surely, he initially had a lot of housework to do, but now he's got the place to himself, and just how he likes it.

Of course, Dan coming back to life was a bit of a shock, but Morten will do anything he can to keep his home-buddy safe (and get him back to the earthy darkness as quickly as possible).

Information Gargoyles

Can you imagine how boring it would be to be a sentient being - wise even - and be stuck permanently to a brick wall? No wonder these guys are grumpy.

They pass time by eavesdropping, gossiping, and bad-mouthing any bizarre looking adventurers that might pass by.

The Heroes

The mightiest heroes of Gallowmere are awarded a place in the Hall of Heroes. It's an exclusive club, with access paid for by only the greatest of deeds.

Who runs the place? We don't know. How do the heroes pass the time for all eternity? We don't know. But trust me, these heroes are the best of the best, and they deserve every moment of whatever it is they do up there.

Merchant Gargoyles

Even in medieval times, there were vending machines designed to part a foolish hero from his gold.

Clever customers may qualify for a discount... just don't ask the merchant how he acquires his wares.

Mr. Organ

The Imps of the Hilltop Mausoleum grew tired of the phantom's incessant practice and hid his sheet music away.

Like most impish plans, this one backfired. The phantom continues to bang the keys, but sorely lacks improvisational skills.

Kul Katura

This formidable serpent was somehow lured into a tiny chest and trapped by men working for King Peregrin - probably, it must have been a magic chest because really, this is one huge serpent to fit in such a small box... but anyhow, the King believed he had imprisoned the evil serpent of Gallowmere, when in fact it was kindly Serpent Lord Kul Katura that he had en-boxed.

Katura is probably going to have a big hug for whoever sets him free, and an ever tighter one for his enemies.

Pumpkin Witch

Winner of the Jolliest Witch in Gallowmere Award for the fourth consecutive year!

Wartilda actually runs a successful potions business and makes cool cheddar from her pumpkin-spiced profiteering. The other witches are secretly jealous.

Jack of the Green

<poem> There once was a statue named Jack, For riddles, he did have a knack, Dan entered the garden Which Jack was a guardin', A smart hero would have turned back. </poem>

The Town Mayor

A lusty adventurer in his heyday, this once-beloved mayor stole the Shadow Artefact from Zarok's tower after the disgraced sorcerer was banished from the kingdom.

When Zarok returned, so mad was he that he tore the whole town apart in his wrath, turning many of the good townsfolk into goats. After that, the mayor's approval ratings fell dramatically. His reelection now seems unlikely (although these days, it seems anything is possible).

Forest Witch

Once part of the infamous Cemetery Hill coven, Emelda was ostracized by her sisters when she refused to stop using the communal cauldron to prepare her notoriously pungent lunchtime brews.

She now resides in the Enchanted Earth, where no one complains. Or at least if they do, she just turns then into a toad... and seriously, do NOT lick those toads.


A proud and fair race, the Fairies were rulers of the underground world, until that fateful day when the Ant Queen invaded their turf.

Honestly, we don't know why the ants have them imprisoned, but for some reason, fairy magic doesn't seem to work against ants... seems odd to me, but hey - I don't make the rules.

Elephant Dragons

Subaquaticus Pachydermis Draconis - truly one of Nature's marvels and found nowhere on Earth, other than the grand lakes of Gallowmere! These peaceful creatures are the product of a chance encounter between an elephant and a dragon. Truly - love knows no bounds!


This featherbrained flock isn't good enough for much - not even Shadow Demon food. Farmers are far more filling.

You may find yourself relying on their dim-wit, but cross that drawbridge when you come to it.

Captive Farmers

Are these good men? Their farmyard toil puts food on the plates of the nation, but at what price? Could mutant pumpkins be the result of forcing innocent pumpkins to consume their fleshy brethren? Does safeguarding one's crops justify deployment of homicidal scarecrows? Who will speak for the wolves?

Save them - or don't - it's up to you.

King Peregrin

Wise King Peregrin, they used to say! But seriously, this guy sent his entire army to battle the undead led by... you! Does that sound like someone wise?

Somehow that battle was won (without you), but it didn't really help King Peregrin - he died a few days later after choking on a Brussels sprout. They say his ghost lingers still in the Haunted Ruins, that he paces the halls late at night, coughing up sprout chunks.

I think this story proves beyond a doubt that no one should ever eat Brussels sprouts.


Birds only like on person in their life. For some reason, this one likes Dan.

This scavenger saw a corpse-meal, and instead found a friend. What a lovely way to meet!



These guys were fashionably undead before it was fashionable to be undead. Your brain may have long since rotted, but that won't stop them from eating it.

Just a few chops should do them in. Be careful not to miss! That would be embarrassing.

Severed Hands

Dan's number one fans. They can't afford to lend a hand, but they'll follow you to the ends of the earth. Or at least, to the end of the graveyard.

Boulder Gargoyles

These guardian gargoyles aren't much for conversation. And don't ask to hear their singing voice - unless you're into rock and roll. Badum-tish!

Headless Zombies

Have you ever had one of those days where you leave the house full of breezy purpose, only to realize that you've left something really important at home? Well, that's how these guys feel all the time.


Back in Peregrin's day, Imps were often kept as household servants. Sadly, those were cruel times, and many Imps were treated very poorly by their masters.

Really, it was no surprise when these cunning little creatures formed a secret alliance with Zarok.

On the morning of the Battle of Gallowmere, every last one of King Peregrin's men awoke to find his House Imp gone, and along with them, every last undergarment in the kingdom. Never before had an army's charge been so devastatingly broken before battle had even begun!

Graveyard Wolves

Isn't nature wonderful? This beautiful family of wolves has found a happy home in the graveyard! Back in their den, six cute, squirmy little pups are waiting for good old mom and pop to return with delicious fresh meat - well, perhaps graveyard meat isn't the most fresh - but at least it's easily found and safe. Because let me tell you - elsewhere in Gallowmere, vengeful farmers have hunted these majestic beasts to the point of extinction...

Thank goodness this last, happy little family is here amid the peace and tranquility of the graveyard, where absolutely no harm can befall them.


These straw men spin to win!

They have teamed up with the crows to protect their cornfield home from strangers, whom they greet with sharp, spinning affection.

Mad Farmers

Nothing comes easy for these poor farmers. As Gallowmere's population declines, so does the demand for their crops.

It's no wonder they hide in haystacks. Show some sympathy and let them stab you a couple of times, eh?

Mecha Imps

Corn Killers

These dreaded corn stalkers are utterly silent, totally invisible and 100% deadly.

They're also just about the cheapest solution a time-strapped video game developer could ever conceive to stop the player going where they're not wanted. Rejoice!


They're vampire bats. Actually, they're just bats. But they bite. That's sort of vampirey.

Pumpkin Plants

Pumpkin Bombs


These rats seem harmless, but they have tiny fingers an they're probably plotting something terrible.

Each rat you squish is an act of treason against the mighty rat king Derok.


Hypnotized citizens of a once thriving town.

They'll happily invite you in for tea, but if they ask to borrow a shovel, you should probably decline.

Boiler Guards

Mad Monks

Disciples of the head monk, these men of the cloth have been driven mad by the disappearance of their master - and Jack's incessant ramblings.

The harsh chime of a bell tells them an unwelcome guest has arrived. Or that it's time for dinner. Perhaps both!


People seldom consider how hard it is to trim a sentient shrub - not least the fire-breathing types, who would just as soon set themselves ablaze as play understudy in your latest topiary production.

No... gardeners in Gallowmere do not get enough credit!

Head Bangers

With the disappearance of the head monk, these patients have been left to run amok.

We don't know exactly what it was that sent them raving mad. Perhaps it was magic, perhaps the moon, or perhaps they were all licking toads. Truly, you should NOT lick those toads.

Dragon Toads

Is this really what the ancient dragons evolved into? Their dreadful ancestors would be ashamed!

Don't lick their backs. That's a good way to end up in the loony bin. No really, just DON'T.

Poisonous Plants

Poisonous pollen protects these plants from predators.

Just to be safe, they fire it at everything. Can never be too careful these days.

Shadow Demons


Fascinating creatures, ants. Did you know they're as old as the dinosaurs? That they "talk" using chemicals? Or that they share a hive mind?

And, contrary to popular belief, they actually have no interest whatsoever in your pants.

Armored Knights

The heaviest of infantry and most ill-suited for the Battle of Gallowmere. Many of them fell victim to the deep mud, rather than swords or spears.

These undead knights are most effective when rolled down hills or launched from catapults.


Mud Knights


Fish Monsters

These floundering fiends lure naive fishermen near the water, before dragging them screaming into the watery depths.

There's no such thing as an easy meal in Gallowmere. Not for humans at least.


Hired mussel. The Guardians of Gallowmere should really shell out more clams for their services. Nevertheless, these barnacles still stick around.

Guardians of Mellowmede


The Condemned

Have no pity for these fools. They were Gallowmere's most heinous criminals, as fearsome in life as they are now in death.

What a world we live in where the guilty execute the innocent!


Serpent of Gallowmere

This mean-spirited snake was always viewed as the lesser serpent sibling. It was always Kul Katura this, and Kul Katura that!

Well, if no one wants to worship him, let there be no worshippers at all!

Mace Knights

Stone Golems

Stone golems were the hottest ticket in castle security, and King Peregrin was one of the first to purchase a pair for protection. Of course, they say you should always skip the first generation of new tech, and when golems started to stomp all and sundry, the manufacturers were forced to issue a full product recall.

Sadly, King Peregrin missed the recall note (on account of being dead), and his golems are still guarding, still stomping...


Many years ago, the foolish sorcerer Mazok the Muddled came into possession of a Dragon Egg. At this same time, Gallowmere was suffering under a terrible famine, and Mazok had been ordered by his king to seek out a magical solution. "If only the kingdom's scrawny chickens could lay eggs the size of a dragon egg," thought Mazok, and he set about applying his questionable skills to transform the egg.

Several days later, the kingdom had been saved! The hatched chicken-dragon - or Jabberwocky as it came to be known - possessed the ferocity of a dragon and the dim wit of a chicken. It rampaged through the kingdom on a murderous spree and killed so many that even the meager harvest was enough to sustain the survivors (as they mourned their loved ones).

The Jabberwocky was finally chased from the land by the hero Dirk Steadfast, who poked it with his magic sword.

Pirate Crew

Pirate Officers

Flying Clocks

Time really does fly! These clockwork pests will shave minutes off your life with each sweep of their hands.

Staring into their faces will tell you the time of your death. Nothing you don't know already.

Flying Eyeballs

Exactly what is a flying eyeball without a flying brain? And without a flying mouth, how can it possibly report what it has seen?

I suppose that must be why they simply try to incinerate you instead.




It is said that Zarok's preoccupation with necromancy stems from an obsession to resurrect his childhood puppy.

Let's just reflect for a moment: isn't that just tragic? All this poor, troubled soul has ever wanted is to command the forces of darkness, enslave mankind, and play ball one last time with dear old Mr Snuffy.

Stained Glass Demon

I always thought it was a bad idea when they put a demon on their stained glass window. "Isn't that a little odd for a holy place?" I said. "What if a passing sorcerer brings it to life using arcane magic?" But did they listen?

Yes, he might have a glass jaw, but if you think shattering his dark heart is going to be easy, you'd better think again!

Guardians of the Graveyard

Humanity's last line of defense against the restless undead. They prevent boney beings from escaping to the land of the living.

Man's best friend, but not Dan's best friend.

Pumpkin King

Dragon Bird

She's not just a set of legs - there's a whole devoted Mother Bird up there! And no one treasures here eggs more than this bird mama.

They may someday hatch into beautiful baby birds. Or maybe just into beautiful bags of gold... or bags of golden babies? Who knows?


Queen Ant

Although accustomed to letting her soldiers do all the fighting, this is one tough bug lady.

She's an acid-spitting queen who will fight to her last gasp to defend the brood of insect infants incubating inside her egg sac... if only there was an airlock you could flush her out of.

Mean Old Dragon

Ghost Ship Captain

Lord Kardok

Zarok Beast


In a PlayStation Underground video comparing the original Asylum Grounds level and the remade one, Nick Accordino revealed that the book's entries were written with input from Chris Sorrell, the original game's director and producer.[1]

Related trophy

    Morten Would Be Proud
Collect all entries of the Book of Gallowmere.



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